博碩士論文 993203022 詳細資訊

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姓名 余遠毅(yu yuan yi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 彈性銷均載機構設計分析與驗證
(Design, analysis and validation of flexible pin mechanism for load balancing)
★ LED封裝點膠系統創新設計之研究★ 夾治具概念設計方法之研究
★ 葡萄糖檢測電極基材之化銅電鍍鎳金製程開發研究★ 印刷電路板蝕刻製程設計與可視化驗證實驗
★ 平行軸錐形齒輪齒根應力特性之研究★ 漸開線直齒錐形齒輪齒根應力之量測與分析
★ 單軸押出機減速機系列產品之計算機輔助開發模式之研究★ 漸開線直齒錐形齒輪齒根應力計算模型之初步研究
★ 非旋轉式表面電漿儀之創新設計與製作★ 電腦輔助單軸押出機減速機系列產品之開發
★ 單軸押出機減速機箱體系列化發展模式之研究★ 電腦輔助機械零件製造成本預估 – 以單軸押出機減速機為例
★ 直齒錐形齒輪齒根應力解析計算模式之研究★ 具點接觸型態之歪斜軸錐形齒輪對齒面疲勞破壞之初步研究
★ 粉末冶金齒輪齒根疲勞強度之研究★ 電腦輔助設計程式模組之建構-以齒輪減速機為例
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摘要(中) 行星齒輪傳動機構具有同軸心之輸出與輸入軸、在同重量或同體積下可傳遞效率高等優點,但行星齒輪傳動機構仍有因加工製造誤差、組裝誤差以及組件受載變形等因素,因而造成各個行星齒輪間不等的負載分配,以及嚙合齒面不均負載分佈等問題。因此多會使用均載機構設計來解決此問題。在眾多均載設計中,彈性銷均載機構,因為可藉由其受負載變形,使行星齒輪產生浮動效果,如此可取代僅適用於三個行星齒輪之太陽齒輪浮動的均載設計,而可以有效透過增加行星齒輪數目來提高功率。此一均載設計在今日風能產業高功率需求下,更加受到重視。
摘要(英) Planetary gear drives have advantages of co-axial input and output shaft, higher power density, etc. However, the load sharing between planets will be unequal, because of presentence of manufacturing and assembly errors. On the other hand, the deformation of components under loading leads also uneven distribution of contact stresses on engaged tooth flanks of gear sets. Therefore, load balancing mechanisms are usually applied in planetary gear drives for solving the problem. Among them, the planetary gear sets with flexible pin mechanism can be designed with more than three planets due to flexibly supported planets, and consequently, the transmitted power can be increased. This mechanism for load balancing has gained more attention for application in gear transmission of windturbines.
The purpose of this study is to analyze and to validate the design of the flexible pin load mechanisms so as to provide detailed information for design. Two types of the flexible pin mechanisms are considered. conventional design and new design with compliant joints. At first, two analysis tools, mechanism design software KISSsoftTM and FEM, will be applied to analyze the individual and interwoven influence of design parameters on the performance of the flexible pin mechanisms. Then, two study cases are considered to explore the performances of the flexible pin mechanisms, each analyzed under the condition of individual loading and integration in a planetary gear set, respectively. A static load experiment is also conducted to validate the results obtained from the individual loading analysis.
The results of influence analysis of design parameter show that the parameters of the the pin are more sensitive to the stiffness of the mechanism than those of the sleeve. It can be also to fullfil the design requirements only by adjusting the design parameters of the pin or the slleve. The analysis results show also differences between the analysis tools KISSsoftTM and FEM: the max. bending stress can be upto 15%, deformation upto 16%. The difference comes mainly from the calculation of the sleeve. The analysis results of the new type design show that the performance of entire mechanism can be also derived directly from the individual analysis results of the pin and the sleeve, respectively. The deformation of mechanism tends to a straight line due to the compliant joint design and it can reduce some unexpected wears.. It is also found that the torsional deformation of the carrier affects also the contact stress distribution strongly. The results from the static loading experiment illustrates also that the stiffness of the bearing is also the important factor for entire stiffness of the flexible pin mechanism, and must be considered while in designing such the mecahnism.
關鍵字(中) ★ 行星齒輪機構
★ 彈性銷機構
★ 靜態負載實驗
★ 有限元素分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Planetary gear drive
★ Flexible pin mechanism
★ Static loading experiment
★ Finite element analysis
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract iii
謝誌 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xix
第1章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究目的 9
1.4 論文架構 9
第2章 彈性銷設計與分析方法 11
2.1 設計目標 11
2.2 設計策略 13
2.3 分析方法 16
2.3.1 設計參數與分析目標 16
2.3.2 分析工具 17
2.3.3 驗證方法 17
第3章 傳統設計之設計參數影響分析 18
3.1 分析模型 18
3.2 模型參數定義 23
3.2.1 設計參數 23
3.2.2 效能參數 24
3.3 設計參數對效能影響分析 27
3.3.1 彈性銷軸設計參數個別分析 27
3.3.2 套筒設計參數個別分析 32
3.3.3 整體彈性銷機構設計參數分析 38
3.3.4 細部討論 44
3.3.5 小結 45
3.4 有限元素分析法驗證 45
3.4.1 分析模型 46
3.4.2 分析設定 50
3.4.3 分析結果 52
3.5 結果討論 59
第4章 新型設計之設計參數影響分析 65
4.1 模型參數定義 66
4.1.1 設計參數 66
4.1.2 效能參數 67
4.2 設計參數對效能影響分析 69
4.2.1 整體剛性分析 69
4.2.2 個別分析 79
4.3 小結 85
第5章 彈性銷均載機構設計案例 86
5.1 案例一:單一彈性銷機構受載分析 86
5.1.1 分析模型建立 86
5.1.2 分析設定 88
5.1.3 結果呈現 89
5.2 案例二:行星齒輪組分析 94
5.2.1 分析模型建立 94
5.2.2 分析設定 97
5.2.3 結果呈現 101
第6章 彈性銷靜態負載實驗 106
6.1 實驗規劃 106
6.1.1 實驗目的與規劃 106
6.1.2 實驗設計原理 108
6.1.3 設備介紹 111
6.2 量測方法與補償 119
6.2.1 彈性銷軸中心的徑向偏移量 119
6.2.2 彈性銷軸上的最大應力值 122
6.2.3 齒輪傾斜與托架前傾量 125
6.3 量測數據處理 127
6.3.1 彈性銷軸中心的徑向偏移量數據處理 127
6.3.2 彈性銷軸上的最大應力值數據處理 128
6.3.3 齒輪的傾斜與托架前傾量數據處理 131
6.3.4 托架背板前傾量補償公式 134
6.4 實驗結果與比較 137
6.4.1 實驗結果 137
6.4.2 FEM結果比較 144
第7章 結論與未來展望 146
7.1 結論 146
7.2 未來展望 147
參考文獻 148
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指導教授 蔡錫錚 審核日期 2012-10-15
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