博碩士論文 993302029 詳細資訊

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姓名 阮宏省(Juan Hung-Sheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
★ 國際巨災保險制度之研究★ 我國推動地方層級災害防救專責單位之問題探討-以桃園縣為例
★ 公共危險物品保安監督之探討-以新竹縣為例★ 長期照顧機構消防安全設計與防火避難設施之研究
★ 考慮土壤結構互制效應並裝設減振裝置的高層建築氣動力反應之研究★ 結合模糊控制與類神經網路探討非線性結構控制的穩定性
★ 觀光產業天然災害風險評估與管理★ 天然災害風險管理決策方法建立—以地震災害為例
★ 颱洪災害風險評估推測事件資料庫之建置及應用★ 火災現場指揮幕僚運作探討-以桃園市政府消防局為例
★ 科學園區地震緊急應變計畫之研擬★ 地震災害風險評估及地震保險之風險管理
★ 園區建築物耐震能力評估★ 整合性多目標地震風險評估系統之建立
★ 適應性模糊滑動模態控制在結構工程上應用之研究★ 高樓結構裝設調和液柱阻尼器減振效應之風洞實驗研究
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摘要(中) 位處亞洲大陸東南緣的臺灣,屬於歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊的聚合交界處,為世界上有感地震最多的地區之一,此外,臺灣亦位於季風氣候帶與颱風行徑的路線上,每年夏季颱風水患等氣象災害造成的損失極為可觀,其他天然災害如梅雨、寒流、乾旱等也造成臺灣經濟上不小的損失,再因近年國內社會經濟活動蓬勃發展,土地開發與使用強度造成社會環境與生活型態巨大轉變,整體社會易致災性與風險也不斷向上攀升,根據研究報告,台灣暴露於三種天然災害之人口與面積比例均為73﹪;暴露於兩種天然災害之人口與面積比例為90﹪,居世界高位,於如此高災害潛勢下,政府及國人實應重視各項防救災議題,並加強整備災害防救工作。
摘要(英) Located in the southeast of Asia, Taiwan is on the convergent boundary between the Eurasian Plate and Philippine Sea Plate, one of the regions in the world with the most felt earthquakes. In addition, Taiwan is situated on the path of climatic monsoon zone and typhoons. Every summer, typhoons and floods cause enormous losses, and other natural disasters such as plum rain, cold current and drought also lead to considerable damage to the economy of Taiwan. Moreover, due to the prosperous development of social and economic activities in recent years, land development and usage strength have led to an immense change of social environment and life style, and disaster-prone areas and risks of the entire society have been soaring as well. According to research reports, the proportion of population and area of Taiwan that were exposed to three natural disasters are 73%, while the proportion of those that were exposed to two natural disasters are 90%, which ranked near top in the world. Under the high hazard potential, the government and people should value issues of disaster prevention and rescue and strengthen the task of disaster preparation, prevention and rescue.
When a large-scale disaster happens, the first livelihood problem people have to face after the major accident was to search for a safe shelter from wind and rain. According to Article 24 of Disaster Prevention and Response Act, “In a case of a disaster or where there is a concern of disaster, the municipal government, county (city) governments, or the township (city) office shall advise or force people to evacuate and provide proper settlement to protect the safety of people’s lives and properties or prevent further expansion of disaster.” This is a sturdy task that the government had to prepare for, as where people should be evacuated to, and the safety evaluation and planning of the location is highly important.
The four stages of disaster management were “disaster mitigation,” “preparation,” “response” and “recovery.” Through the discussion of documents and on-site evaluation and survey, this study hopes to assist government departments by proposing suggestions on the capacity of shelters, establishment and operation and policy planning to ensure life safety of the people.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大規模災害
★ 避難收容場所
★ 避難收容能量
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究內容與目的 3
1-3 研究架構與步驟 8
1-4 研究目標與預期成果 9
第二章 文獻回顧 10
2-1 災害管理概論 10
2-2 避難收容場所法令依據 11
2-2-1 災害防救法 11
2-2-2 社會救助法第5章災害救助專章 11
2-2-3 強化對災民災害救助工作處理原則 12
2-3 避難收容場所理論 12
2-3-1 國內外對於避難據點之定義 12
2-3-2 避難據點之劃設 13
第三章 新竹市災害環境背景探討 15
3-1 新竹市地理環境特性 15
3-1-1新竹市地形分佈 15
3-1-2新竹市河川流域概況 16
3-1-3新竹市防洪排水概況 20
3-1-4面積與人口概況 22
3-2 新竹市地區災害分類 22
3-3 地震災害潛勢概述 23
3-4 颱洪災害潛勢概述 25
第四章 新竹市避難收容場所整備規劃探討 30
4-1 避難收容場所設置目的與規劃原則 30
4-2 新竹市避難收容場所擇定原則 31
4-3 新竹市避難收容場所能量評估分析 34
4-3-1工作執行方法 34
4-3-2評估成果 46
4-4避難收容場所能量充足性評估 57
4-4-1 新竹市各區地震災害收容能量充足性評估 58
4-4-2 水災災害收容能量充足性評估 60
第五章 結論與建議 66
5-1 結論 66
5-2建議 68
5-2-1 避難收容場所人力規劃之建議 68
5-2-2 優質化避難收容場所規劃之建議 70
5-2-3 充實中長期收容場所建議 74
第六章 參考資料 75
參考文獻 1.臺灣氣候變遷科學報告工作小組(2011),臺灣氣候變遷科學報告
7.楊毓哲 (2007),都市避難據點容納量及人員避難路徑之研究
指導教授 蔣偉寧、許文科 審核日期 2013-8-28
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