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姓名 詹席銘(Hsi-Ming Chan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 金融海嘯時期台灣認購證之發行與到期對標的股價格影響研究
(The Impacts of Financial Tsunami on the Taiwan Call Warrants’ Issuing and Expiration on Underlying Stocks)
★ 從生態共生觀點發展組織合作模式★ 影響產業垂直分工因素之探討
★ 發展台籍專業管家的人力派遣模式★ 影響軍事機關審計品質之關鍵性因素及其相對效率衡量
★ 台灣光碟片設備供應商競爭策略分析★ 國防科技研發機構組織向心力之研究
★ 衡量半導體零組件通路商之相對經營績效★ 衡量半導體晶圓代工廠商生產單位之營運績效
★ 商業銀行營運型態與組織調整對分行營運效率的影響★ 發展行動條碼為基礎的隨傳隨用視訊平台之應用
★ 飛機引擎定子零件維修之訂價調整方式★ 國際化、創新活動與公司績效:台灣上市公司董事會結構論析
★ 探討網際網路事件達成關鍵多數之影響因素★ 生態循環農業產銷策略個案研究
★ 探討以政策規範高耗能產業參與再生能源開發之綜效-以太陽光電發電系統為例★ 適地性服務(LBS)之顧客體驗整合性設計—以中華電信行動導遊為例
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摘要(中) 本研究針對台灣認購權證從2007年到2010年在台灣19檔標的股,共3365檔認購權證樣本,以2008年為分界線,將認購權證樣本依全體與產業別分類,探討認購權證金融海嘯期間與金融海嘯後對認購權證之發行與到期對標的股票股價帶來資訊效果是否有所差異。本研究首先針對標的股票之報酬率進行單根檢定,確保資料為穩定情形,再以事件研究法配合GARCH模型計算估計市場模型,並計算出標的股票之平均異常報酬率(AAR)與累積平均異常報酬率(CARR)。
摘要(英) This study aims to explore the price relationships between call warrants’ issuing and expiration on their underlying stocks in Taiwan. There were 19 individual stock type call warrants from 2007 to 2010. We divide these call warrants into two groups: whole vs industry and 2008 as a defining period of the financial tsunam .We mainly study the impacts of financial tsunami on the Taiwan call warrants’ issuing and expiration on underlying stock prices. This study takes unit-root test to ensure stationary data, and using GARCH model, accompanied by event study analysis to the cumulative abnormal returns and the average abnormal returns. The empirical result shows:
First, we found the issuing of whole and industries call warrants objects produce postive significant effect of the underlying stocks by tempting investors to buy the underlying stocks of the call warrants in financial tsunam, the traded the higher price of the stocks. And during the financial tsunami, the entire period early more positive significant effect than after the financial tsunami.
Second, the expiration of whole call warrants objects produce negative significant effect of the underlying stocks by tempting investors early to sell the underlying stocks of the call warrants in financial tsunam, only electronic stocks of single warrants that during the financial tsunam entire period more early negative significant effect than after the financial tsunami.
Finally, when call warrants of whole and industries have the negative abnormal return exists in underlying stocks value on the expiration date, but the t-test value is not significant.
關鍵字(中) ★ 台灣
★ 金融海嘯
★ 累積異常報酬
★ 認購權證
★ 事件研究法
關鍵字(英) ★ Call warrant
★ Cumulative average abnormal return
論文目次 中文摘要.................................................i
第一章 緒論..............................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機....................................1
第二節 研究目的..........................................2
第三節 論文架構..........................................3
第二章 權證概況與文獻探討................................4
第一節 2008年金融海嘯....................................4
第二節 台灣權證市場現況..................................6
第三節 認購權證的發行與到期對標的股票的影響..............12
第三章 研究設計..........................................19
第一節 研究假說..........................................19
第二節 研究方法..........................................20
第三節 研究範圍和對象....................................25
第四章 實證結果..........................................28
第一節 單根檢定..........................................28
第二節 個股型認購權證之發行對標的股票異常報酬率檢定......28
第三節 個股型認購權證之到期對標的股票異常報酬率檢定......52
第五章 結論與研究建議....................................62
第一節 結論..............................................62
第二節 研究建議..........................................64
第三節 研究限制..........................................64
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指導教授 陳德釗、張東生
(De-Jau Chen、Dung-Sheng Chang)
審核日期 2012-6-27
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