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姓名 李偉暄(Wei-Hsuan Lee) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 企業管理學系 論文名稱 個人創新程度與消費者科技接受意圖關係之研究--以平板電腦為例
(Extending the TAM for the Tablet PC: The Moderating Role of Personal Innovativeness)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 全球消費產品的發展已由產品導向轉為使用者導向,不再只強調產品功能與規格,而須從使用者角度思考使用意圖以設計新產品,科技產業亦復如是。本研究以探討消費者科技接受為目的,以科技接受模式為基礎,結合知覺趣味與社會影響構面,並以創新擴散理論之個人創新程度做為調節變數,建構一個延伸的科技接受模式,探討早期消費者與大眾消費者之科技接受度有何異同,希冀對消費者採用新科技之使用意圖有更深入之探究。
本研究選定平板電腦為研究主題,因其為近年頗受關注的創新科技產品,自蘋果公司於2010年推出iPad以來平板市場快速成長,IC Insight預測2012年全球平板電腦出貨量達1億2000萬台,未來仍有巨大成長潛力,使得多家電子大廠相繼投入平板電腦之競爭,同時平板電腦市場起步未久,相關研究仍不夠完備,因此對平板電腦消費者進行行為研究相當具有實務之價值。本研究經網路問卷調查,共回收200份有效問卷,以結構方程式進行各變數因果關係以及調節變數影響效果之分析。本研究之重要實證結果如下,(1) 知覺有用與知覺趣味對使用意圖具有直接且顯著的影響關係;(2) 知覺易用對知覺有用與知覺趣味具有直接且顯著的影響關係;(3) 大眾消費者比早期消費者更重視知覺有用與社會影響;(4)本研究建構之模型對於採用平板電腦之使用意圖具有可接受之解釋力。摘要(英) The development of technology industry have been changed from product driven to user-oriented, not just emphasizing on the functions and specifications of the products, but standing on the points of the user to design new products. This study tries to explore consumers’ technology acceptance on the basis of technology acceptance model ( TAM ), and combines perceived playfulness and social influence. Besides, the study takes personal innovativeness as moderator to build an extending TAM, and to investigate the differences of technology acceptance between early consumers and mass consumers. We hope to conduct a further exploration with regard to the intention of the consumer using new technology.
This study takes the tablet PC as the research subject because it is an innovative technology product with high-profile in recent years. The market of tablet PC has been grew up rapidly since the offering of iPad by Apple Inc. in 2010. The IC Insight forecasts that the global tablet PC shipments will be 120 million units in 2012 with a good potential of growth. It makes many high-tech firms to join the competition of tablet PC. Due to the tablet PC is a new product and the research is not enough, it will valuable to take the study of tablet PC in this moment. After survey by questionnaire and analyze the data by structural equation modeling, we get such points: (1) Perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness have significant directly and positive influence on behavioral intention. (2) Perceived ease of use has significant directly and positive influence on perceived usefulness and on perceived playfulness. (3) Perceived usefulness and social influence have more important influence to mass consumers than early consumers. (4) The proposed model has confidant explanation to
the consumers’ behavioral intention about adopting the tablet PC.關鍵字(中) ★ 科技接受模式
★ 知覺趣味
★ 社會影響
★ 創新擴散理論關鍵字(英) ★ technology acceptance model ( TAM )
★ perceived playfulness
★ social influence
★ innovation diffusion theory ( IDT )論文目次 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………………………….I
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………………………...1
第一節 研究背景與動機...................................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的...............................................................................................................3
第三節 研究流程...............................................................................................................3
第二章 平板電腦.......................................................................................................................6
第一節 平板電腦概述.......................................................................................................6
第二節 平板電腦發展.......................................................................................................6
第三節 平板電腦類型.......................................................................................................7
第四節 平板電腦之優缺點...............................................................................................7
第五節 平板電腦市場現狀...............................................................................................8
第三章 文獻探討.....................................................................................................................11
第一節 科技接受模式.....................................................................................................11
第二節 知覺趣味.............................................................................................................16
第三節 社會影響.............................................................................................................19
第四節 創新擴散理論.....................................................................................................23
第四章 研究方法.....................................................................................................................27
第一節 研究架構.............................................................................................................27
第二節 研究樣本.............................................................................................................28
第三節 研究假設.............................................................................................................29
第四節 變數定義與衡量.................................................................................................34
第五節 資料收集與分析方法.........................................................................................42
第五章 資料分析.....................................................................................................................45
第一節 樣本結構分析.....................................................................................................45
第二節 信度分析.............................................................................................................48
第三節 效度分析.............................................................................................................49
第四節 結構方程式與調節分析.....................................................................................53
第六章 結論與建議.................................................................................................................61
第一節 研究結論與說明.................................................................................................61
第二節 實務貢獻與意涵.................................................................................................65
第三節 研究限制.............................................................................................................66
第四節 後續研究建議.....................................................................................................67
一、 中文文獻...................................................................................................................68
二、 英文文獻...................................................................................................................68
附錄一 研究問卷.....................................................................................................................72
附錄二 各問項之代號對照表.................................................................................................77參考文獻 一、 中文部分
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