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姓名 趙廷偉(Ting-Wei Chao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 具語音引導揀貨系統之揀貨作業的執行與績效
(The Execution and Performance of Picking Operations in a Voice Directed Order Picking System)
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摘要(中) 近年來,產品生命週期日益縮短以及供應鏈的觀念興起,致使物流中心(Distribution Center ; D.C.)的作業已經成為各個企業競爭優勢所關注的焦點之一。傳統物流中心的揀貨作業其相關人力,約佔整體物流人力的50%以上,而揀貨作業時間佔整個物流時間之比例高達30%至40%。故揀貨作業的重要性,足以影響著物流中心的整體營運和作業成本。
物流中心的揀貨設施和系統也隨著科技的進步,有了嶄新的面貌,所以如何在傳統的環境之中加入創新的思維和技術以達到更進一步的揀貨效率提昇,是目前所需探討的課題。許多研究指出新興的語音引導揀貨系統(Voice Directed Order Picking System)擁有許多優點,如:即時的人員指揮、訂單準確度和生產量等,皆有助於揀貨作業的效率提昇和物流中心的整體績效。本研究觀察揀貨人員在揀貨作業時,因為面臨欲拜訪揀貨點為阻塞 (Blocked) 狀態的情形,故吾人利用語音引導揀貨系統之特性,進而針對揀貨路徑的規劃進行揀貨績效的探討。
摘要(英) In recent years, the operation for distribution center become the focus of competition for enterprise due to the product life cycle shorten and the concept of supply chain emerge. The picking operation almost account over for 50% of overall logistic labor, and the picking operation process time account for 40%. So the importance of picking operation can affect enough the operation and cost.
The picking operation related facility and system have the new face by the development of technology for the Distribution center. So how to introduce the innovational concept and technology in the traditional warehouse environment which achieve the rise of order picking operation is a issue worth to discuss and research. A lot of research point out the emerging 「Voice directed order picking system」 that possess many advantages which can help the efficiency rise of picking operation and overall performance in the distribution. center. This research discover the picker executing the picking operation which faces the situation of waiting to visit picking point is blocked, so this research use the characteristics of Voice directed order picking system to focus the issue about the performance of picking routes planning.
This research propose the four picking route planning rules, and discuss the three environmental factor – the number of order require to visit picking point and the three performance indicator TRST, TD and TPT. The result shows picking route planning rules have good performance even in different environmental factor.
關鍵字(中) ★ 揀貨路徑
★ 語音引導揀貨系統
★ 物流中心
關鍵字(英) ★ Distribution Center
★ Voice Directed Order Picking system
★ Picking route
論文目次 目錄
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究環境 3
1.5 研究方法說明 4
1.6 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 物流 8
2.1.1 物流的定義 8
2.1.2 物流中心介紹 10
2.2 倉儲規劃 13
2.2.1 倉儲空間設計 14
2.2.2 儲位管理 16
2.2.3 儲位指派 17
2.3 揀貨作業 18
2.3.1 揀貨策略 18
2.3.2 揀貨路徑 20
2.3.3 黃金區域 27
2.3.4 揀貨作業績效評估指標 27
2.4 語音引導揀貨系統(Voice Directed Order Picking System) 28
2.4.1 語音引導揀貨系統之介紹 28
2.4.2 語音引導揀貨系統之效益 29
2.5 模擬退火法(Simulated Annealing;SA) 30
第三章 研究環境說明 32
3.1 研究環境 32
3.2 研究假設 33
3.3 語音引導揀貨系統簡介 34
3.3.1 語音引導揀貨系統下的揀貨環境 35
第四章 研究方法 36
4.1 方法架構 36
4.2 問題說明 36
4.3 揀貨路徑規劃法則 37
4.4.1 Fixed(Waiting) 37
4.4.2 Flexible(Nearest) 38
4.4.3 Flexible (Nearest-Skip) 40
4.4.4 Rerouting(模擬退火法 ; Simulated Annealing ) 42
4.4 運用模擬退火法於揀貨點拜訪順序 46
4.5 最大間隙策略(Largest Gap Strategy ; LG) 49
4.6 模擬退火法(Simulated Annealing;SA) 52
4.7.1 模擬退火法簡介 52
4.7.2 模擬退火的應用 53
第五章 系統模擬與分析 56
5.1實驗設計 56
5.1.1實驗環境 56
5.1.2 實驗目的 57
5.1.3 實驗因子 58
5.2 實驗績效評估指標 63
5.3 ANOVA統計檢定分析 63
5.3.1 分析說明 64
第六章 結論與建議 80
6.1 研究結論 80
6.2後續研究與建議 81
參考文獻 82
中文文獻 82
英文文獻 83
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指導教授 何應欽(Ying-Chin Ho) 審核日期 2012-7-24
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