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姓名 劉治言(Chih-Yen Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 供應鏈中探討伴隨著風險偏好與需求不確定下在氣候折扣合約下所達成的通路協調
(Channel Coordination Under the Weather Rebate Contract with Risk Preference on Demand Uncertainty in Supply Chain)
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摘要(中) 供應鏈的通路協調已在許多論文中被廣泛的討論,應用了許多供應鏈的機制達成通路協調,例如:數量折扣,減價銷售,大量生產…等,而許多不同的供應鏈機制也被拿來做比較,看是否皆能達成通路協調,有些部份的論文則是加入的風險偏好程度去做比較,其假設情境為風險中立的供應鏈成員。然而,風險態度除了中立態度之外,尚有偏好及趨避兩種風險態度,如果只以風險中立的態度是無法表現出供應鏈成員的行為。因此,在本研究中,我們在報童模型下討論當供應商面臨風險中立及風險趨避的零售商時,如何達成通路協調以及獲得最大的利潤。
摘要(英) Channel coordination of the supply chain has been widely discussed in many research. Application many of supply chain mechanism to achieve channel coordination, ex: quantity discount, markdown, mass-production… and so on, and many of different supply chain mechanism to comparison, whether it can be achieve channel coordination or not, some of the research add the risk preference to comparison, and it assumed the situation that is risk-neutral member of the supply chain. However, in addition to the risk preference of the risk-neutral, it seems that had the risk preference of the risk-prone and the risk-averse, the assumption of risk-neutral seems to be inadequate for the supply chain in reality. Hence, in our study, we discussed the newsvendor model, when the supplier faces the risk-neutral and the risk-averse retailer, how to achieve channel coordination and maximun the profit.
In our study, we assume that supply chain with one supplier and one retailer. Besides, we set two scenarios and another two cases to discuss, the difference of profit when the supplier faces the risk-neutral and the risk-averse retailer. Generally speaking, the risk-averse retailer’s orders quantity is compared to less than the risk-neutral retailer’s orders quantity on demand uncertainty. However, the fewer order quantity, the less profit is for the supplier, types of contract to identify the profits of risk-neutral and risk-averse retailer. To solve the question of the supply chain, we proposed the channel coordination of the supply chain about weather rebate contract in our study, our study is focusing on the supplier provides the retailer about a weather rebate contract, and by the mechanism to design the weather rebate for the retailer, further to persuade the retailer to accept the weather rebate contract that let the retailer willing cooperation to achieve coordination, and then can achieve channel coordination of the optimal order quantity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 報童問題
★ 通路協調
★ 合約設計
★ 供應鏈風險
關鍵字(英) ★ Newsvendor Problem
★ Channel Coordination
★ Contract Design
★ The Risk of Supply Chain
論文目次 Contents
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
Contents III
Contents of Figures & Tables IV
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background/Motivation 1
1.2. Research objectives 2
2. Literature Review 4
2.1. Newsvendor problem 4
2.2. Channel coordination 5
2.3. Contract design 5
2.4. The risk of supply chain………………………………………………............6
3. Model and Analysis 8
3.1. Environment condition 11
3.2. Supply chain coordination 12
3.3. The notations and demand function 13
3.4. A risk-neutral retailer 15
3.5. A risk-averse retailer 19
4. Numerical Example 26
4.1. Numerical comparison of a risk-neutral & risk-averse retailer 27
4.2. Comparison of the risk-averse retailer with different risk-averse parameter 28
4.3. Comparison of the retailer’s profit with risk-averse parameter 29
4.4. Comparison of the retailer’s optimal profit with different wholesale price 30
5. Sensitivity Analysis 32
5.1. Sensitivity analysis on c 32
5.2. Sensitivity analysis on t 34
5.3. Sensitivity analysis on τ 36
6. Conclusion and Future Research 38
6.1. Conclusion 38
6.2. Future research 40
Appendix 42
Reference 46
參考文獻 Reference
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指導教授 曾富祥(Fu-Shiang Tseng) 審核日期 2013-1-28
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