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姓名 羅盛耀(Sheng-yao Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 生產存貨系統在機器隨機故障條件下求損耗性商品之最佳生產策略
(An optimal production policy for production-inventory system of deteriorating items subject to random machine breakdown)
★ 應用失效模式效應分析於產品研發時程之改善★ 服務品質因子與客戶滿意度關係研究-以汽車保修廠服務為例
★ 家庭購車決策與行銷策略之研究★ 計程車車隊派遣作業之研究
★ 電業服務品質與服務失誤之探討-以台電桃園區營業處為例★ 應用資料探勘探討筆記型電腦異常零件-以A公司為例
★ 車用配件開發及車主購買意願探討(以C公司汽車配件業務為實例)★ 應用田口式實驗法於先進高強度鋼板阻抗熔接條件最佳化研究
★ 以層級分析法探討評選第三方物流服務要素之研究-以日系在台廠商為例★ 變動良率下的最佳化批量研究
★ 供應商庫存管理架構下運用層級分析法探討供應商評選之研究-以某電子代工廠為例★ 台灣地區快速流通消費產品銷售預測模型分析研究–以聯華食品可樂果為例
★ 競爭優勢與顧客滿意度分析以中華汽車為例★ 綠色採購導入對電子代工廠的影響-以A公司為例
★ 以德菲法及層級分析法探討軌道運輸業之供應商評選研究–以T公司為例★ 應用模擬系統改善存貨管理制度與服務水準之研究-以電線電纜製造業為例
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摘要(中) 傳統的存貨模型有著許多的限制,使其和現實情況並非吻合,在現實的情況下,大多數的存貨在持有過程中,存貨會隨著時間開始發生變質然而在生產的過程當中機器可能會故障。
摘要(英) The traditional inventory model with too many assumptions and limitations, so that it and real world situation are not consistent. Under realistic conditions, the inventory item may be deteriorating and the production machine may breakdown.
In this study, considers the product can deteriorate on constant rate and random machine breakdowns follow an exponential distributes. When machine breakdown, the production run will stop and immediately repair for a fixed period of time. We model the production-inventory system as a Markov Chain to formulate the expected total cost, incorporating a service-level constraint on the probability of a stock-out. The objective is to approximation the maximum inventory level and buffer stock that minimizes the expected total cost consisting of setup, corrective maintenance, holding, deterioration, and lost sales costs under conditions of continuous review, deterministic demand, and no shortages.
關鍵字(中) ★ 服務水準限制式
★ 生產存貨系統
★ 馬可夫鏈
關鍵字(英) ★ production-inventory system
★ Markov Chain
★ service level constraint
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objective 2
1.3 Research Framework 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Service level Constraints 4
2.2 Deterioration Item 5
2.3 Machine Breakdown 5
Chapter3 The Model 7
3.1 Model Assumption 7
3.2 Model Description 9
3.3 Model Derivation 13
3.3.1 Expected average inventory 13
3.3.2 Expected number of deterioration 17
3.3.3 Lost sales 19
3.3.4 Total cost 21
3.3.5 Service Level Constraints 25
Chapter4 Numerical Analysis 27
4.1 Numerical Example 27
4.2 Sensitive Analysis 29
4.2.1 Repair time R 29
4.2.2 Time to breakdown μ 32
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Research 35
5.1 Conclusion 35
5.2 Future Research 35
Appendix 37
References 38
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指導教授 葉英傑(Ying-chieh Yeh) 審核日期 2012-7-25
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