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姓名 褚昀婷(Yun-ting Chu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 管理教練技能對情感性組織承諾之影響-以信任為中介變項
(The study of the relationship between managerial coaching skill and employee affective commitment – the mediating effect of trust.)
★ 組織因素、個人分享動機及知識特性對知識分享之影響★ 企業實施在職導師制度對於人力資源發展的影響
★ 內外控人格特質及工作環境因素對訓練遷移成效之影響-以師徒制教導為中介變項★ 管理教練技能對員工工作績效之影響─以員工情緒智力為干擾變項
★ 管理教練技能對工作績效之影響—以工作投入為干擾變項★ 人力派遣行業招募管理師專業職能量表之建立
★ 訓練遷移因素對客服中心新進客服人員職前訓練遷移成效之影響★ 部屬認知之管理教練技能對部屬個人工作投入的影響—以工作滿足為中介變項
★ 組織承諾對師徒功能認知與組織公民行為之中介效果 ---- 以台灣高科技產業為例★ 師徒功能認知對職場個人學習之影響─以中央人資所企業導師制度為例
★ 影響員工外派意願之因素探討-以工程顧問公司為例★ 管理教練技能對員工工作投入之影響—以員工情緒智力為中介變項
★ 師徒功能認知對職場個人學習影響 -以回饋接受度為調節★ 師徒功能認知對工作績效之影響-以組織承諾為中介變項
★ 跨國知識移轉僵固因素對知識分享意願之影響-以台灣外資企業外派人員為例★ 以工作敬業貢獻為中介變項探討管理教練技能對工作績效之影響
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摘要(中) 主管展現出教練技能可幫助部屬為了提升績效而自我發展,也會提高部屬的組織承諾(Park, 2007)。本研究以社會交換理論(Social Exchange Theory)為架構,欲探討主管展現出管理教練技能(managerial coaching skill)是否有助於提高部屬的情感性組織承諾,且部屬對主管的信任(trust)是否具有中介效果。
摘要(英) Coaching is a process of helping employee develop themselves for improving performance and is associated with commitment (Park, 2007). Based on the concept of Social Exchange Theory, this study examine if employees’ trust to manager mediates the positive relationship between managerial coaching skill and affective commitment.
This study collected empirical data from the employees who have direct supervisor in high-tech industry in Taiwan. A total 504 questionnaires were distributed, 482 were returned, 472 were completely, and the return rate is about 94.44%. The results were processed by using SPSS19.0.Our finding can be summarized as following. First, the more managerial coaching skill that employees perceived, the higher degree of trust they achieve. Second, the more managerial coaching skill that employees perceived, the higher degree of affective commitment they achieve. Third, when employees have more trust to the manager, they achieve more degree of affective commitment. Fourth, trust to the supervisor mediates the positive relationship between managerial coaching skill and affective commitment. Fifth, cognition-based trust partially mediates the positive relationship between open communication, team approach, value people over task, facilitate development and affective commitment. Cognition-based trust mediates the positive relationship between accept ambiguity and affective commitment. Affect-based trust partially mediates the positive relationship between open communication, team approach and affective commitment. Affective-based trust mediates the positive relationship between value people over task, accept ambiguity, facilitate development, and affective commitment. Last, we suggest high-tech organizations emphasize on managerial coach skill to help employee have more trust to their supervisor and organizational commitment. For further studies on related research, it is recommended to find other intervention variable.
關鍵字(中) ★ 管理教練技能
★ 信任
★ 情感性組織承諾
關鍵字(英) ★ Managerial Coaching Skill
★ Trust
★ Affective Commitment
論文目次 摘要--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機----------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------------------------2
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 社會交換理論-------------------------------------------------------------------3
第二節 管理教練技能-------------------------------------------------------------------5
第三節 信任-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
第四節 情感性組織承諾----------------------------------------------------------------9
第五節 管理教練技能、信任與情感性組織承諾之關係------------------------11
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構------------------------------------------------------------------------17 第二節 研究假設------------------------------------------------------------------------18
第三節 研究變項之操作型定義與測量工具---------------------------------------19
第四節 研究對象與問卷回收情形---------------------------------------------------22
第五節 統計分析方法------------------------------------------------------------------22
第四章 研究結果
第一節 敘述性統計分析---------------------------------------------------------------24
第二節 信度分析------------------------------------------------------------------------27
第三節 項目分析------------------------------------------------------------------------28
第四節 共同方法變異分析------------------------------------------------------------30
第五節 相關分析------------------------------------------------------------------------30
第六節 階層迴歸分析------------------------------------------------------------------32
第五章 研究結論與建議
第一節 研究結論與討論---------------------------------------------------------------41
第二節 管理意涵------------------------------------------------------------------------43
第三節 研究限制與未來建議---------------------------------------------------------44
參考文獻 中文文獻
5月24日。檢索日期:2012年7 月5日,網址:http://temp.1111.com.tw/News.aspx?aNo=2275
檢索日期:2012年7 月5日,網址:http://www.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5029074
共同市場基金會通訊錄,2010年春季號。檢索日期:2012年7 月5日,網址:
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指導教授 郭敏珣(Min-hsun Kuo) 審核日期 2012-7-26
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