博碩士論文 994303018 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪雅蘋(Ya-Ping Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 組織變革中導入EIP之研究- 以互動性鑽石模型為基礎
(A study of Implementing EIP during Organization Change - Based on Diamond Model)
★ 半導體二手設備之行銷策略-以應用材料公司為例★ 從創新擴散角度探討新科技技術行銷策略之影響 —以全球資訊大廠推廣Web Services為例
★ 企業多角化經營策略之研究 ─以某機構拓展資訊應用服務市場為例★ 汽車產業網站行銷之應用與效益探討研究-以N品牌為例
★ 系統整合業轉型策略之探討--以A公司為例★ 顧客關係管理系統導入之研究-以A、B公司為例
★ 策略聯盟個案分析 - 以台灣光碟機廠商為例★ 資訊教育訓練機構的轉型策略 —以某資訊教育機構為例
★ 組織文化及組織承諾對組織變革影響之研究- 以外商銀行與本國銀行資訊部門為例★ 高階資訊教育市場行銷策略與會員制度之研究-資訊教育產業為例
★ 探討平衡計分卡在售前技術支援部門績效管理的運用 - 以外商資訊科技公司為例★ 軟體行銷策略與競爭優勢分析-以全球二家資訊大廠為例
★ 綠色供應鏈管理研究-以A公司為例★ 企業專案管理系統 - 提升專案即時資訊透通性及其效益分析
★ 金融軟體專案管理導入國際專案管理師(PMP)專案管理機制之效益分析★ 企業轉型與其資源基礎之關係研究及轉型策略之發展-以M公司為例
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摘要(中) 企業資訊入口網站(Enterprise Information Portal,EIP),是企業為解決龐大組織內,員工需依各種情況與條件,花費大量的時間至各系統尋找所需的資訊,所提出一個標準化的資訊共享平台。
摘要(英) Enterprise Information Portal (EIP), is a standardized information sharing platform, which is to resolve employees spending too much time to find the information they need within a huge organization by a variety of situations and conditions.
Lots of enterprises underestimated the cooperation between organization activities before the implementing stage of EIP, and lead to the ineffectiveness of EIP system after implementing, this is because enterprises do not understand the implementation of the EIP is involved with organization-wide level, it must be completely adjusted for business processing flows, staffs and information technology, thus caused the EIP cannot meet the original target of the project after it go live, and all efforts wasted. So enterprises need to understand the status after implementing EIP, able to get responsive ability to implement EIP in the future.
This study utilizes Diamond model of Leavitt (1965) as a basis for researching and analyzing, through example company’’s 2-stage multiple case study approach, to gain an in-depth understanding of enterprises EIP implementation, to compare the experiences, and to describe how the problems occurred before will affect the system after EIP going live.
Not only can make enterprises understand more about the implications of the issue after the EIP implementation, but also learn how to mitigate the risks arising from these issues.
The results of this study verify the affection of each other between the four dimensions of tasks, personnel, technology and organization in the Diamond model. The factors affecting implementation of EIP not only affect each other, but even causing chain reactions. Therefore, enterprises would like to ensure the EIP successful, let the EIP system benefits in line with original target, they need to be careful to adjust resource allocation, tasks changing, personnel, technology and organizational structure in different stages, thus reduce the risk.
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業資訊入口網站
★ 鑽石模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Enterprise Information Portal
★ diamond model
論文目次 摘要 .. .. .. .. . iv
Abstract .. .. .. .. v
誌謝 .. .. .. .. vii
目錄 .. .. .. .. .... viii
圖目錄 .. .. .. .. .. ix
表目錄 .. .. .. .. ... x
第 1章 .. .. .. .. .... 1
1.1 研究背景 .. .. .. ... 1
1.2 研究目的 .. .. .. .. 2
1.3 研究 流程 .. .. .. .. 3
第 2章 .. .. .. .. ... 5
2.1 組織變革 .. .. .. .. 5
2.2 EIP .. .. .. 13
2.3 互動性鑽石模式 .. .. . 18
2.4 資訊科技與組織互動理論 .. .. 20
第 3章 .. .. .. .. . 23
3.1 研究架構 .. .. .. 23
3.2 研究方法 .. .. .. 24
3.3 研究對象與說明 .. .. 26
第 4章 .. .. .. .. . 28
4.1 個案背景 .. .. .. 28
4.2 個案公司組織整合計劃 .. .. .... 38
4.3 個案公司 EIP 系統導入分析 .. .. . 44
4.4 關鍵議題分析 .. .. .. .. 57
第 5章 .. .. .. .. . 62
5.1 研究結論 .. .. .. 62
5.2 研究貢獻 .. .. .. 64
5.3 研究限制及未來方向 .. .. 65
參考文獻 .. .. .. .... 67
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指導教授 李小梅(Shau-mei Li) 審核日期 2012-7-3
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