博碩士論文 994303023 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊彩鈴(Tsai-ling Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 第三方物流業者之設施規劃與方案評估-以C物流公司為例
(Facility Planning and Alternatives Evaluation of a Third-Party Logistics Service Provider– A Case Study of Company C)
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摘要(中) 在今日競爭激烈的市場環境下,各跨國企業正朝著不斷延伸及資源整合的方式在擴展,近幾年,物流產業也逐漸走向跨國產業併購的發展趨勢。本研究的個案公司-C物流公司,是台灣一家專業的第三方物流公司,兩年前,即在此物流產業併購的浪潮中,為一家外商集團所併購。自併購以來,隨著舊有客戶業務擴增及新客戶業務的引進,使得C物流公司現有物流設施的存放空間已不敷使用,只能在現有物流中心附近租賃小型倉庫以因應物流中心滿載時的需求。然而,近年來短期租賃倉庫成本及分散式倉庫管理成本的累積,使得個案公司的倉庫營運成本持續上升;再者,個案公司管理者正面臨物流中心於2014年底租約到期後,房東要調漲倉庫租賃費用14.5%的續約抉擇。
物流企業的設施規劃屬於企業內策略性決策之範疇,而且物流設施規劃時必須考量的成本因素眾多,一旦決策定案,關係著物流企業未來的競爭力與龐大的成本支出。所以,物流設施規劃及設施整併管理的評估,對於第三方物流企業的管理者著實重要。本研究針對一個成長型的第三方物流企業,在其提供給所有客戶專業的物流整合服務的同時,又要考量因為客戶業務成長而需不斷擴增的物流設施,提出一設施規劃的物流成本計算模型,進行各可行方案的評估。透過淨現值 (Net Present Value, NPV) 分析法及情境 (Scenario) 模擬的方式來評選出最適合的方案,並且提出結論與建議供管理者物流設施決策之參考。
摘要(英) With highly competitive market environment, multinational corporations (MNCs) are expanding through business extension and resource consolidation. In recent years, logistics industry is also gradually moving towards the trend of mergers and acquisitions. The case company (Company C) of this study is a professional third-party logistics (3PL) provider, which had been acquired by a MNC under this wave. Since the acquisition, with the existing customer amplification and introduction of new businesses, existing storage facilities are insufficient to meet the increasing demand. Company C has to rent small warehouses nearby in order to accommodate the overflows from the two major distribution centers (DC). However, short-term leasing and scattered warehousing render increasing logistics cost. Moreover, with the expiration of the leasing contract of the current DC by the end of 2014, the manager has to decide whether to renew the contract with a 14.5% rental increment.
Facility planning, an important strategic decision for logistics companies, typically involves considerations of many cost factors (e.g., labor, transportation). Once the decision is finalized, it would affect the company’s operating costs and its competitiveness for years to come. Facility planning and assessment, therefore, are very important for 3PL management. In this study, a growing 3PL company has to provide not only the professional logistics integration services to the customers, but also to consider the ever-expanding facilities requirements from growing business. We propose a facility planning model considering various logistics costs in order to assess possible alternatives. Through a net present value (NPV) analysis and a multi-scenario approach, we identify the most appropriate facility plan under various business growth rates, and provide conclusions and recommendations to the management for their consideration in logistics facilities planning decision.
關鍵字(中) ★ 淨現值分析
★ 物流設施規劃
★ 第三方物流
關鍵字(英) ★ Net Present Value
★ Facility Planning
★ Third-Party Logistics
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究對象與範圍 4
1.5 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 第三方物流 9
2.2 物流設施規劃 12
2.2.1 物流設施的定義 12
2.2.2 物流設施的種類與功能 13
2.2.3 物流設施規劃 19
2.3 淨現值分析 21
2.4 文獻小結 22
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 研究架構 24
3.2 模型參數定義與假設 25
3.3 物流成本估算模型建置步驟 31
第四章 個案分析 33
4.1.1 台灣物流產業現況及發展趨勢 33
4.1.2 個案公司簡介 34
4.2 現行作業概況與問題描述 39
4.3 物流成本分析方案設計 43
4.4 成本估算模型的建立 45
4.5 參數設定與資料整理 51
4.6 各方案成本估算與比較 56
4.7 情境模擬與敏感度分析 59
4.8 個案小結 64
第五章 結論 65
5.1 研究結論 65
5.2 對管理之建議 66
5.3 研究限制 67
參考文獻 68
附錄 71
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 何靖遠(Chin-yuan Ho) 審核日期 2012-6-22
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