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姓名 周怡君(Yi-Chun Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 臺灣永續及責任指數編製與商業運作模式建議
(A Proposal of Launching the Sustainability Index in Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 企業社會責任不僅是企業倫理的表現,同時也是經濟效率的指標。過去人們普遍認為,企業是以損害社會大眾利益為代價取得成就;然而對於企業而言,若忽視其環境、社會及治理風險風險,未來將陷入無法掌握的盈餘波動。社會公害或缺陷往往會讓企業承受莫大的內部成本;如今,企業藉由處理社會難題,進而得以在為自身創造經濟價值之餘,也為社會創造價值。
摘要(英) The long term purpose for a firm running its business has been changed during the decades. In order to keep the leading position and gain more economic profit, companies has paid more attention to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and started mapping the Environmental, Social and Governance impact of their value chain since 1990. Measuring corporate social performance and making it public to all investors is a powerful way to influence the strategy and behavior of a firm.
Sustainability Indices and Social Responsible Investment are designed to help the investors achieve financial goals as well as build a better world. Although the criteria used in the rankings vary widely, still we refer to the world famous sustainability indices and generalize the evaluating criteria for Taiwan companies. We also follow the ongoing Hong Kong model and give the picture of launching program and framework for practicing CSR in Taiwan at the end of this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 永續經營能力指數
★ 企業社會責任
★ 永續及責任投資
關鍵字(英) ★ Social Responsible Investment
★ Sustainability Indices
論文目次 目錄
ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................III
誌謝......................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄 .................................................................................................... VII
表目錄 ................................................................................................... VIII
第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................ 1
1-1研究背景 ................................................................................... 1
1-2研究動機 ................................................................................... 2
1-3研究目的 ................................................................................... 3
1-4研究架構 ................................................................................... 4
第二章 企業經營目標與實踐社會責任 ..................................................... 5
2-1企業存在目的與經營目標 .......................................................... 5
2-1-1企業存在目的 ......................................................................... 6
2-1-2創造共享價值之企業經營的目標 ............................................ 8
2-2企業經營模式與實踐社會責任 ................................................... 9
2-3企業經營績效與實踐社會責任 ................................................. 12
第三章 永續及責任指數的編製 .............................................................. 15
3-1永續及責任投資的範疇 ............................................................ 15
3-1-1歐洲永續及責任投資涵蓋範圍及發展現況 ............................ 16
3-1-2美國社會責任投資涵蓋範圍及發展現況 ............................... 20
3-2企業永續及責任表現評鑑準則 ................................................. 25
3-2-1多明尼400 社會責任投資 ................................................... 26
3-2-2 道瓊永續經營能力指數 ........................................................ 27
3-2-3倫敦金融時報四強指數 ........................................................ 29
3-2-4摩根史坦利環境、社會及治理指數 ...................................... 31
3-2-5 ISO 26000社會責任指南 ..................................................... 33
3-2-6各指數編製準則之摘要及臺灣評鑑準則之建議 ..................... 34
3-3企業永續經營能力評估方式 .................................................... 35
3-3-1道瓊永續經營能力指數編製方式說明 ................................... 35
3-3-2臺灣企業於道瓊永續經營能力指數評鑑之表現 ..................... 40
第四章 企業社會責任之推動及商業運作模式 ......................................... 42
4-1企業永續經營能力評鑑及指數編製機構主要業務 .................... 42
4-2企業社會責任指數之商業模式 ................................................. 44
4-2-1多明尼社會投資有限責任公司之運作模式 ............................ 44
4-2-2摩根史坦利資本國際公司之運作模式 ................................... 46
4-2-3倫敦金融時報指數公司之運作模式 ...................................... 50
4-3 企業社會責任之推動 .............................................................. 53
4-3-1香港推動社會責任之模式 ..................................................... 53
4-3-2臺灣社會責任推動現況 ........................................................ 55
第五章 研究結論與建議 ......................................................................... 59
5-1研究結論 ................................................................................. 59
5-2臺灣推動企業社會責任與編製永續及責任指數之建議 ............. 61
參考文獻 ................................................................................................ 66
附錄一 .................................................................................................... 70
附錄二 .................................................................................................... 72
附錄三 .................................................................................................... 75
附錄四 .................................................................................................... 76
附錄五 .................................................................................................... 81
圖3-1 2002年至2009年歐洲永續及責任投資資產規模變化 .............. 18
圖3-2 2009年底核心與廣義定義下之永續及責任投資規模 ................. 19
圖 3-3 2007年至2009年固定收益型、股票型及貨幣型基金於傳統與永續及責任投資基金的規模變化 .................................................. 20
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指導教授 徐政義(Cheng-Yi Shiu) 審核日期 2012-6-12
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