博碩士論文 995201020 詳細資訊

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姓名 邱敬堯(Jin-yao Chiou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 應用於微型熱電致冷器之高效能鍺量子點與矽鍺奈米柱薄膜開發研究
(Development of high efficiency thin-film-like Ge quantum dots and Si1-xGex nanopillars for thermoelectric mircocooler)
★ 高效能矽鍺互補型電晶體之研製★ 高速低功率P型矽鍺金氧半電晶體之研究
★ 應變型矽鍺通道金氧半電晶體之研製★ 金屬矽化物薄膜與矽/矽鍺界面反應 之研究
★ 矽鍺異質源/汲極結構與pn二極體之研製★ 矽鍺/矽異質接面動態啓始電壓金氧半電晶體之研製
★ 應用於單電子電晶體之矽/鍺量子點研製★ 矽鍺/矽異質接面動態臨界電壓電晶體及矽鍺源/汲極結構之研製
★ 選擇性氧化複晶矽鍺形成鍺量子點的光特性與光二極體研製★ 選擇性氧化複晶矽鍺形成鍺量子點及其在金氧半浮點電容之應用
★ 鍺量子點共振穿隧二極體與電晶體之關鍵製程模組開發與元件特性★ 自對準矽奈米線金氧半場效電晶體之研製
★ 鍺浮點記憶體之研製★ 利用選擇性氧化單晶矽鍺形成鍺量子點之物性及電性分析
★ 具有自我對準電極鍺量子點單電洞電晶體之製作與物理特性研究★ 具有自我對準下閘電極鍺量子點單電洞電晶體之研製
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摘要(中) 不論是理論或實驗皆已提出在熱電材料中置入低維度奈米結構確實可提供突破塊材熱電材料ZT < 1的瓶頸。矽、鍺材料是目前與積體電路製程相容性最佳的半導體材料之一,具有低成本與高熱穩定度的優勢。本論文即是利用上述特點,分別製作鍺量子點嵌於二氧化矽之薄膜以及矽鍺奈米柱 (線) 嵌於氮化矽之薄膜,以供微型熱電元件之應用。透過變溫熱傳導率以及電傳導率之量測分析來了解聲子與電子在量子點與奈米柱之傳輸行為,預期未來可直接整合於積體電路之微型熱電致冷器中,提供晶片上熱管理與散熱之功效。
  在80 – 420 K的溫度範圍內,嵌於二氧化矽內平均直徑約4.92 – 7.36 nm鍺量子點薄膜之熱傳導率約為0.5 – 1 W/m•K。其熱傳導率與塊材鍺相比大幅下降了兩百倍之多,甚至比絕緣層二氧化矽之熱傳導率值下降了約五倍。重要的是,鍺量子點之熱傳導率會隨著量子點的大小而有系統性的變化,實驗得知其熱傳導率的下降幅度與嵌於二氧化矽中鍺量子點的直徑倒數有關。足見奈米結構之表面邊界散射非常有利於拖曳聲子之傳輸。此外,我們觀察到在100 – 400 K下,鍺莫耳百分比12 – 36 %的矽鍺奈米柱之熱傳導率普遍介於0.8 – 2 W/m•K之間,並且隨著鍺濃度的提升熱傳導率有逐漸下降之趨勢。其中電傳導率以p-type、鍺莫耳百分比24 %的矽鍺奈米線最高,經估算其ZT值在100 – 400 K範圍內最高達0.31。
摘要(英) Low-dimensional nanostructures embedded in thermoelectric materials has been demonstrated to be an effective approach to break through the bottle neck of ZT = 1. Silicon and germanium are presently the most compatible semiconductors with integrated circuit (IC) processing, which have the advantages of low cost and high stability. Based on the above-mentioned features, we fabricated thin-film-like Ge quantum dots and SiGe nanopillars (nanowires) for thermoelectric mircocooler applications. To understand the transport behaviors of phonon and electron in quantum dots and nanopillars, we conducted measurements of temperature-dependent thermal conductivities and electrical conductivities for these two systems.
In the temperature of range 80 – 420 K, thermal conductivities for 4.92 – 7.36 nm Ge quantum dots in SiO2 matrix are around 0.5 – 1 W/m•K, which are much below the ones for bulk Ge and SiO2 with reduction factors of ~200 and ~5 respectively. Most importantly, there appears to be an inverse dot size dependence of thermal conductivities for Ge quantum dots in SiO2 system. It is obvious that surface/boundary scattering of nanostructures indeed cause phonon drag and make a large reduction in thermal conductivity. In addition, we have also observed that in the range 100 – 400 K, thermal conductivities for SiGe nanopillars with Ge mole fractions of 0.12 – 0.36 are between 0.8 – 2 W/m•K, and have an inverse dependence on Ge content. In our research, the condition of highest electrical conductivity is p-type SiGe nanowire with a mole fraction of 0.24. By calculation, its maximum ZT value is 0.31 in the temperature range of 100 – 400 K. It is expectable that these two systems would be applied to thermoelectric mircocooler for integrated circuits and provide the on-chip thermal management as well as heat dissipation in the near future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱電
★ 奈米柱
★ 鍺量子點
★ 奈米線
★ 熱導率
關鍵字(英) ★ thermoelectric
★ nanopillar
★ germanium quantum dot
★ nanowire
★ thermal conductivity
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章、簡介與研究動機 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 熱電材料效能的指標:熱電優值 2
1-3 熱電材料的發展 3
1-4 研究動機 6
第二章、熱、電傳導原理與量測方法 15
2-1 前言 15
2-2 熱、電傳導原理 16
2-2-1 熱傳導原理 16
2-2-2 電傳導原理 18
2-3 薄膜熱導率量測方法 19
2-3-1 穩態量測法 (steady state measurement) 19
2-3-2 三倍頻量測法 (three omega measurement) 21
2-4 薄膜電導率量測方法 23
第三章、鍺量子點薄膜製程與熱導率量測分析 31
3-1 前言 31
3-2 鍺量子點形成機制 31
3-3 多層鍺量子點薄膜堆疊架構 32
3-4 量子點尺寸調變 33
3-5 熱導率量測試片製備 34
3-6 量測結果分析 34
第四章、矽鍺奈米柱 (線) 薄膜製程與熱導率、電導率量測分析 44
4-1 前言 44
4-2 複晶矽鍺薄膜成長條件 44
4-3 矽鍺奈米柱陣列製程與熱導率量測試片製備 45
4-4 矽鍺奈米線陣列製程與電導率量測試片製備 46
4-5 量測結果分析 47
第五章、總結與未來展望 59
參考文獻 61
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指導教授 李佩雯(Pei-wen Li) 審核日期 2013-8-26
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