博碩士論文 995202001 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃柏翔(Po-Hsiang Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 可整合教科書內容之教室內數位桌遊學習系統提昇學生學習動機之成效分析
(Analysis on the feasibility of introducing digital board game into classroom teaching - from teachers' perspective)
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摘要(中) 在教室內的學習是 非常 菁華且寶貴的 ,老師們經常在準備課程時些遊戲來讓學 ,老師們經常在準備課程時些遊戲來讓學 生們練習剛學到的新知識 ,不過在 ,不過在 傳統教學 短暫的 遊戲 時間裡,並沒有 時間裡,並沒有 時間裡,並沒有 太多讓學生在 情境裡解決問題的機會,而且老師們在準備教材時 也花非常多心力不成比例情境裡解決問題的機會,而且老師們在準備教材時 也花非常多心力不成比例情境裡解決問題的機會,而且老師們在準備教材時 也花非常多心力不成比例情境裡解決問題的機會,而且老師們在準備教材時 也花非常多心力不成比例情境裡解決問題的機會,而且老師們在準備教材時 也花非常多心力不成比例間準備的遊戲,往得不到相對應效果。
為了幫助老師在教室內呈現一個情境,讓學生們能夠就達成裡解 為了幫助老師在教室內呈現一個情境,讓學生們能夠就達成裡解 為了幫助老師在教室內呈現一個情境,讓學生們能夠就達成裡解 決問題的練習,而且幫助教師準備上課所需要用遊戲我們提出了將本材轉變成 決問題的練習,而且幫助教師準備上課所需要用遊戲我們提出了將本材轉變成 決問題的練習,而且幫助教師準備上課所需要用遊戲我們提出了將本材轉變成 決問題的練習,而且幫助教師準備上課所需要用遊戲我們提出了將本材轉變成 決問題的練習,而且幫助教師準備上課所需要用遊戲我們提出了將本材轉變成 為能在情境裡解決問題的數位桌上遊戲, 透過 擲骰移動 (Roll -and -Move )類型的桌上遊 戲結合 教學透過閱讀和講故事精通法 (TP RS )和全身互動法 (TPI )的教 學理論搭配課本材,這樣的置入教室內桌上學遊戲類型能夠 材,這樣的置入教室內桌上學遊戲類型能夠 材,這樣的置入教室內桌上學遊戲類型能夠 材,這樣的置入教室內桌上學遊戲類型能夠 材,這樣的置入教室內桌上學遊戲類型能夠 材,這樣的置入教室內桌上學遊戲類型能夠 在注意力 、自信心以及滿足感上讓 、自信心以及滿足感上讓 、自信心以及滿足感上讓 學 生的學習動機有顯著提升。
另外,為了在未來能開發一套工具幫助老師準備教 另外,為了在未來能開發一套工具幫助老師準備教 另外,為了在未來能開發一套工具幫助老師準備教 另外,為了在未來能開發一套工具幫助老師準備教 另外,為了在未來能開發一套工具幫助老師準備教 學和在教室內提供情境解決 問題的練習,我們訪談了許多現任老師透過使用者需求以及回饋得到寶 問題的練習,我們訪談了許多現任老師透過使用者需求以及回饋得到寶 問題的練習,我們訪談了許多現任老師透過使用者需求以及回饋得到寶 問題的練習,我們訪談了許多現任老師透過使用者需求以及回饋得到寶 問題的練習,我們訪談了許多現任老師透過使用者需求以及回饋得到寶 問題的練習,我們訪談了許多現任老師透過使用者需求以及回饋得到寶 問題的練習,我們訪談了許多現任老師透過使用者需求以及回饋得到寶 問題的練習,我們訪談了許多現任老師透過使用者需求以及回饋得到寶 問題的練習,我們訪談了許多現任老師透過使用者需求以及回饋得到寶 貴的意見,透過這些寶使用者回饋我們將會繼續在教室內輔助老師學以及提昇 貴的意見,透過這些寶使用者回饋我們將會繼續在教室內輔助老師學以及提昇 貴的意見,透過這些寶使用者回饋我們將會繼續在教室內輔助老師學以及提昇 貴的意見,透過這些寶使用者回饋我們將會繼續在教室內輔助老師學以及提昇 貴的意見,透過這些寶使用者回饋我們將會繼續在教室內輔助老師學以及提昇 同學能力的研究。
摘要(英) Classroom learning is the very essence and valuable Classroom learning is the very essence and valuable Classroom learning is the very essence and valuable Classroom learning is the very essence and valuable Classroom learning is the very essence and valuable Classroom learning is the very essence and valuable Classroom learning is the very essence and valuable Classroom learning is the very essence and valuable . Teachers often prepare eachers often prepare eachers often prepare some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practi some games in preparation for courses to allow students practice just to learn ce just to learn ce just to learn ce just to learn new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many new knowledge, but in the traditional teaching short game time, not too many opportunity to allow students to solve the problem in context in classroom .
Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students Presents a situation in order to help teachers the classroom, students in the cla in the cla in the cla ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and ssroom can reach a solution to the problem in context exercises, and to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook to help teachers prepare lessons required use the game, we propose a textbook translated into in situations digital table games, problem translated into in situations digital table games, problem translated into in situations digital table games, problem translated into in situations digital table games, problem translated into in situations digital table games, problem translated into in situations digital table games, problem translated into in situations digital table games, problem translated into in situations digital table games, problem translated into in situations digital table games, problem translated into in situations digital table games, problem -solving combined with solving combined with solving combined with solving combined with solving combined with TPRS and TPI teaching the TPRS and TPI teaching the TPRS and TPI teaching the TPRS and TPI teaching the TPRS and TPI teaching the ory through the Roll ory through the Roll ory through the Roll ory through the Roll -and -the Move type of table games the Move type of table games the Move type of table games the Move type of table games the Move type of table games the Move type of table games with textbooks and teaching materials, the placement of table type educational games in the classroom, able to attention, self educational games in the classroom, able to attention, self educational games in the classroom, able to attention, self educational games in the classroom, able to attention, self educational games in the classroom, able to attention, self educational games in the classroom, able to attention, self educational games in the classroom, able to attention, self educational games in the classroom, able to attention, self educational games in the classroom, able to attention, self -confidence on the confidence on the confidence on the heart as well the satisfaction of their motivat heart as well the satisfaction of their motivat heart as well the satisfaction of their motivat heart as well the satisfaction of their motivat heart as well the satisfaction of their motivat heart as well the satisfaction of their motivatheart as well the satisfaction of their motivat heart as well the satisfaction of their motivat heart as well the satisfaction of their motivat heart as well the satisfaction of their motivat heart as well the satisfaction of their motivat ion to learn a significant ion to learn a significant ion to learn a significant ion to learn a significant ion to learn a significant ion to learn a significant ion to learn a significant upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a upgrade.In addition, in the future to develop a set of tools to help teachers set of tools to help teachers set of tools to help teachers set of tools to help teachers set of tools to help teachers set of tools to help teachers set of tools to help teachers set of tools to help teachers set of tools to help teachers prepare teaching prepare teaching , and let students let students practice in the situation sol the situation sol the situation sol ving problem s in the classroom in the classroom in the classroom . In this research In this research In this research , we , we interviewed a number of current te interviewed a number of current te interviewed a number of current te interviewed a number of current te interviewed a number of current te interviewed a number of current te interviewed a number of current te achers, achers, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, through the users’’ needs and feedback, we get a lot of valuable advice, and we will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance will continue in the classroom secondary teachers teaching and to enhance students ability to study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 桌上遊戲
★ 數位學習遊樂場
★ 遊戲式學習
★ 教科書教材
★ 教學輔具
關鍵字(英) ★ game-based learning
★ Digital learning playground
★ Board game
★ teaching aid
★ instructional tool
★ textbook materials
論文目次 中文摘要 ................................ ............................... ii
Abstract Abstract ................................ .............................. iii
誌謝 ................................ ................................ ... iv
目錄 ................................ ................................ .... v
圖目錄 ................................ ................................ vii
表目錄 ................................ ................................ viii
第一章 緒論 ................................ ............................. 1
1-1 研究背景 .................................................................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究動機 .................................................................................................................................... 2
1-2-1 桌遊簡介 ............................................................................................................................. 4
1-3 研究目標 .................................................................................................................................... 7
1-4 研究問題與對策 ......................................................................................................................... 8
1-5 論文架構 .................................................................................................................................... 9
第二章 相關理論與研究 相關理論與研究 ................................ .................. 10
2-1全身反應法(TPR) ...................................................................................................................... 10
2-2教學透過閱讀和講故事精通法(TPRS) .................................................................................... 11
2-3全身互動法(TPI) ...................................................................................................................... 11
2-4 ARCS動機模式 .......................................................................................................................... 12
第三章 系統設計與實做 系統設計與實做 ................................ .................. 14
3-1遊戲內容設計 ............................................................................................................................ 14
3-2 如何把系統放在教學現場之中 ............................................................................................... 21
3-3使用者與遊戲之間的關係 ........................................................................................................ 23
3-4系統實作 ................................................................................................................................... 26
第四章 實驗與討論 實驗與討論 ................................ ...................... 30
4-1實驗背景 ................................................................................................................................... 30
4-2實驗目的 ................................................................................................................................... 31
4-3實驗設計及流程 ........................................................................................................................ 31
4-4實驗畫面 ................................................................................................................................... 32
4-5實驗結果 ................................................................................................................................... 34
4-6實驗討論 ................................................................................................................................... 35
4-6-1注意力 ............................................................................................................................... 35
4-6-2關聯性 ............................................................................................................................... 36
4-6-3自信心 ............................................................................................................................... 36
4-6-4滿足感 ............................................................................................................................... 37
第五章 教師回饋 教師回饋 ................................ ........................ 38
5-1 社交方面 .................................................................................................................................. 39
5-2 教學方面 .................................................................................................................................. 39
5-2-1不常使用遊戲的老師 ........................................................................................................ 40
5-2-2常使用遊戲的老師 ............................................................................................................ 40
5-3 認知方面 .................................................................................................................................. 41
5-3-1我們的設計加入教學透過閱讀和講故事精通法 ............................................................ 41
5-3-2我們的設計加入全身互動法 ............................................................................................ 42
第六章 結論與未來研究 結論與未來研究 ................................ .................. 43
參考文獻 ................................ ............................... 45
附錄一 ................................ ................................ . 47
附錄二 ................................ ................................ . 48
前測問卷未打亂格式 ....................................................................................................................... 48
後測問券未打亂格式 ....................................................................................................................... 50
附錄三 ................................ ................................ . 53
訪談陳老師內容 ............................................................................................................................... 53
訪談吳老師內容 ............................................................................................................................... 55
訪談葉老師內容 ............................................................................................................................... 56
訪談劉老師內容 ............................................................................................................................... 59
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2012-8-7
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