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姓名 侯嘉琳(Jia-lin Hou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 幾何模型最佳投影視角分析
(The Best Viewpoint Projection Analysis of Geometric Models)
★ 適應性類神經模糊控制器於泵浦系統之應用★ 自調式類神經PID控制於超音波馬達之應用
★ 共模干擾對儀表放大器之可靠度分析★ 自走式銲接機械手臂之遠端遙控
★ 三角網面為基礎之曲面設計系統發展與應用★ 應用RBF類神經網路於超音波馬達之位置控制
★ 衛星星系於氣象觀測之設計與研究★ 強健適應性類神經控制研究
★ 膨脹侵蝕法於影像內插運算與三維曲面重建之研究★ Nanosat極微衛星電源系統規劃與分析
★ 應用類神經網路與模糊控制於泵浦量測系統的研究★ 斷層影像之B-Spline 參數曲線與曲面重 建研究
★ 低成本微衛星之氣象觀測任務與星系設計★ 雙輸入雙輸出模糊控制於泵浦控制之研究
★ 類神經網路理論於逆向工程曲面重建之研究★ 平面影像之對齊與相似度評估
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摘要(中) 電腦輔助設計與製造(CAD/CAM)技術經過多年的發展已經非常的普遍,但是隨著幾何模型資料量的快速累積,若能將模型最佳視角之投影視圖儲存,配合查詢者描繪(Sketch)輪廓圖形的方式進行資料比對,提供資料庫的查詢或取出,將有效於整個自動化的推動。
摘要(英) Computer Aided Design and Manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology has been already develop for many years, with the fast accumulation of the model data base of geometry, if it could store the projection view of the best viewpoint of model ,and subsequently cooperate with the searcher that use the way of sketch contour to proceed the data comparison ,and it could supply to look up or take out of database, it will effect automation impetus.
In our research, it used STL format to sketch our model, first it used vertex and normal vector of STL data to set up the geometry data structure of the model, subsequently utilize structure of STL data choosing the initial viewpoint of formula;Starting plus weighing the initial viewpoint of face seen ,and then search another viewpoint by after adjusting viewpoint ,then adjust the projection view that the projected area got the final viewpoint;Finally rotate Z-axis, it make the model can have steady feelings on the vision.
In our research, it is provided a observed value of calculating viewpoint quality to determine the models via rotating that the projection view becomes better or not. The main consideration of observed value is vertex, face, edge and projected area.
Though it still unable to find out the suitable tactics and to get the best viewpoint about the model of hole, cylinder, round angle and oval etc. But in our research, if we used STL method, it could find the good projection view for the model of the polyhedron.
關鍵字(中) ★ 最佳視角
★ 觀測值
關鍵字(英) ★ The best viewpoint
★ observed value
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
一、 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的與方法 2
1-3 文獻回顧 8
1-4 論文結構 12
二、 三維資料結構與轉換 13
2-1 STL檔案格式 13
2-2 幾何模型資料結構之建立 18
2-3 投影幾何轉換 24
2-3-1 座標轉換 24
2-3-2 向量運算 27
2-3-3 投影方法 31
2-3-4 隱藏線之消除 38
三、 幾何模型投影視角之決定 41
3-1 一個好的視圖 41
3-2 起始投影方向之決定 45
3-3 法向量加權於視角方向之調整 49
3-4 對空間某一軸旋轉搜尋 50
3-4-1 視角方向之旋轉搜尋 50
3-4-2 投影面積之調整 53
3-5 視覺上效果之調整 54
四、實例測試 56
五、結論與未來展望 74
5-1 結論 74
5-2 未來展望 75
參考文獻 76
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指導教授 莊漢東(Han-tung Chuang) 審核日期 2008-7-21
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