博碩士論文 101322055 詳細資訊

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姓名 李太立(Tai-li lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 旗山溪流域氣象災害風險評估
(Risk Assessment of Meteorologic Disasters in Chishan basin)
★ 水資源供需指標建立之研究★ 救旱措施對水資源供需之影響分析
★ 台灣地區颱風雨降雨型態之分析研究★ 滯洪池系統最佳化之研究
★ 運用遺傳演算優化串聯水庫系統聯合運轉規線之研究★ 河川魚類棲地分佈之推估與分析研究-以卑南溪新武呂河段為例-
★ 整合型區域水庫與攔河堰聯合運轉系統模擬解析及優化之研究★ 河川低水流量分流演算推估魚類棲地之研究-以烏溪上游為例
★ 大漢溪中游生態基流量推估與棲地改善之研究★ 石門水庫水質模擬與水理探討
★ 越域引水水庫聯合操作規線與打折供水最佳化之應用-以寶山與寶山第二水庫為例★ 防洪疏散門最佳啟閉時間之研究 -以基隆河臺北市河段為例-
★ 配水管網破管與供水穩定性關係之研究★ 石門水庫永續指標之建立與研究
★ 台灣地區重要水庫集水區永續指標建立與評量★ 限制開發行為對水庫集水區水質保護之探討
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摘要(中) 台灣地狹人稠,河川流域與坡地在土地過度開發及台灣氣候影響下,流域水土災害發生頻率相當高,為了避免流域氣象災害對於人類造成重大的衝擊,開發前對於該地的氣象災害風險評估及預警便相當重要。以往的災害預警評估較著重短期預警,但隨著氣候變遷影響之下,逐漸重視長期評估對區域發展的重要性。
摘要(英) This research discusses meteorologic disasters in basin scale with system analysis approach. The proposed frame for basin risk assessment consists into three steps, namely disasters happened stage, disaster happening stage, and after disaster recover stage. Each stage has its own factors, and these factors can be utilized to indicate the relative status in the area of the risk assessment.
The relocation of Xiaolin village is chosen as a case study. The difference between the risk assessment value before village relocation and after village relocation is discussed. There are 630 people in the original Xiaolin village. Among them, about 90 families still stay in Xiaolin village, Jiaxian Dist., and 180 families relocated to either Shangping village or Yuemei village. In risk assessment of debris flow, the risk value of Shangping village and Yuemei village is 0.5598, i.e., moderate risk. However, in the case that the relocation people in Shangping village and Yuemei village come back to Xiaolin village, the risk value is 0.3981, i.e., moderate and low risk.
Incorporating resilience in the assessment shows the higher the exposure is, the higher the resilience gets. This is because the high population area always has enough resource encountering disaster. In the same time, the high population area has strong resilience ability.
關鍵字(中) ★ 風險評估
★ 回復力
★ 風險地圖
關鍵字(英) ★ risk assessment
★ resilience
★ risk maps
論文目次 摘要 I
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究目的與動機 1
1.2 研究流程 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 災害風險 4
2.2 回復力 10
2.3 土石流 13
2.4 洪災 16
2.5 旱災 18
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1 河川流域天然災害風險評估架構 21
3.1.1 土石流 23
3.1.2 淹水 36
3.1.3 乾旱 43
第四章 結果分析 47
4.1 研究區域概述 47
4.1.1 流域概況 47
4.1.2 氣候資料 48
4.2 旗山溪流域氣象災害風險 48
4.2.1 旗山溪流域土石災害風險評估 48
4.2.2 54
4.2.3 59
4.3 小林村複合災害案例分析 62
4.4 回復力差異分析 66
第五章 結論與建議 69
5.1 結論 69
5.2 建議 70
參考文獻 71
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指導教授 吳瑞賢(Ray-Shyan Wu) 審核日期 2014-7-29
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