博碩士論文 995401004 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳彥龍(Yen-Lung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 考慮製程變異與老化效應之類比電路可靠度自動化設計方法
(Automated Robust Design Optimization of Analog Circuits Considering Process Variations and Aging Effects)
★ 運算放大器之自動化設計流程及行為模型研究★ 高速序列傳輸之量測技術
★ 使用低增益寬頻率調整範圍壓控震盪器 之1.25-GHz八相位鎖相迴路★ 類神經網路應用於高階功率模型之研究
★ 使用SystemC語言建立IEEE 802.3 MAC 行為模組之研究★ 以回填法建立鎖相迴路之行為模型的研究
★ 高速傳輸連結網路的分析和模擬★ 一個以取樣方式提供可程式化邏輯陣列功能除錯所需之完全觀察度的方法
★ 抑制同步切換雜訊之高速傳輸器★ 以行為模型建立鎖相迴路之非理想現象的研究
★ 遞迴式類神經網路應用於序向電路之高階功率模型的研究★ 用於命題驗証方式的除錯協助技術之研究
★ Verilog-A語言的涵蓋率量測之研究★ 利用類神經模型來估計電源線的電流波形之研究
★ 5.2GHz CMOS射頻接收器前端電路設計★ 適用於OC-192收發機之頻率合成器和時脈與資料回復電路
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摘要(中) 隨著元件尺寸的遽縮,電路設計者須考量的非理想效應亦隨之增加,如電路寄生效應、製程變異、電路老化效應等等,這些效應對電路效能之影響甚為劇烈。若能在電路設計初期,即評估非理想效應對於電路效能之影響,則可降低重新設計的時間與成本。因此,本論文提出一套有效考慮非理想效應之類比電路自動化設計流程,可從電路規格產出到實際電路佈局,設計所有電晶體、電路元件參數。同時在設計階段,分別考量電路寄生效應、製程變異與電路老化效應對於電路效能之影響,有效避免設計的電路不符合電路規格之情況。




摘要(英) With shrinking device size in deep submicron process, many non-ideal effects impact circuit performances critically. If those non-ideal effects can be considered in the early design stage, the re-design and re-spin cost can be avoided. Thus, a reliable design flow from specification to fabrication is presented, which consider parasitic effects, process variations, and aging effects.

Firstly, a layout-aware automated design flow is proposed in this dissertation to consider the layout-induced parasitic effects based on a flexible layout template. Therefore, the case that the performance fails to meet the specifications after layout can be avoided.

Secondly, a modified equation-based variance analysis method is proposed to calculate each performance variations without simulations. It can be used to improve the accuracy of yield prediction for each possible solution in equation-based optimization. This design flow enables simultaneously optimization with other design objectives like power or area cost to prevent unnecessary over-design.

Finally, a hierarchical reliability analysis and a reliable design flow is proposed to estimate the performance degradation considering process variations and aging effects simultaneously. With the fast and accurate prediction of degradation effects, the fresh yield and lifetime yield are considered simultaneously at the sizing stage.

As shown in the experimental results, the proposed method ensures the performance after layout due to accurate prediction the parasitic effects. Also, this design flow can further improve the fresh yield and lifetime yield, and the design overhead is reduced significantly with within a fast computation time.
關鍵字(中) ★ 類比設計自動化
★ 製程變異
★ 寄生效應
★ 元件老化
★ 良率
★ 軟性電子
關鍵字(英) ★ Analog Design Automation
★ Process Variation
★ Parasitic Effect
★ Aging Effect
★ Yield
★ Flexible Electronics
論文目次 摘要..................................................... i
Abstract................................................. iii
致謝..................................................... iv
Contents ................................................ vi
Figure List ............................................. ix
Table List............................................... xii
Chapter 1 Introduction................................... 1
1.1 The Design Flow of AMS Systems ...................... 1
1.2 Computer-Aided Design in AMS Systems................. 4
1.2.1 Circuit Simulation................................. 5
1.2.2 Behavior Models ................................... 7
1.2.3 Topology Selection ................................ 8
1.2.4 Device Sizing...................................... 8
1.2.5 Layout Implementation & Manufacturing ............ 11
1.3 Design Issues with Non-ideal Effects ............... 13
1.3.1 Parasitic Effects ................................ 14
1.3.2 Process Variations................................ 18
1.3.3 Aging Effects..................................... 23
1.4 Contributions ...................................... 26
Chapter 2 Bias-Driven AMS Design Optimization .......... 29
2.1 The Bias-Driven Design Method ...................... 29
2.2 The Proposed Bias-Driven Design Flow................ 30
2.2.1 Bias-Driven Performance Equations Transformation.. 32
2.2.2 Nonlinear Lookup Table and Device Sizing ......... 34
2.2.3 The Overall Optimal Design Flow................... 37
2.3 Experimental Results ............................... 39
2.3.1 Accuracy Verification............................. 40
2.3.2 Results Comparison of Two-Stage OPA .............. 42
2.4 Summary ............................................ 43
Chapter 3 Robust Synthesis Flow for LDO Regulators ..... 45
3.1 Low Dropout (LDO) Regulator......................... 47
3.1.1 Previous LDO Synthesis Works ..................... 50
3.2 Parasitic-Aware Performance Analysis ............... 52
3.2.1 Parasitics in A Layout Template .................. 52
3.2.2 Layout-Aware Performance Analysis ................ 54
3.3 Automated Layout Generation With Laker ............. 56
3.3.1 Laker and Tcl/Tk ................................. 56
3.3.2 Transistor and Guard Ring Generation ............. 57
3.3.3 Resistor and Capacitor Generation................. 59
3.3.4 Layout Template................................... 62
3.4 Variation-Aware Performance Analysis ............... 63
3.4.1 Related Works..................................... 63
3.4.2 Hierarchical Variance Analysis.................... 66
3.5 Proposed Robust Automated Synthesis Flow ........... 69
3.6 Experimental Results ............................... 71
3.7 Summary ............................................ 74
Chapter 4 Reliability Optimization Flow For Flexible TFTs 75
4.1 Design Issues with Flexible TFTs ................... 75
4.1.1 Mechanical Stress................................. 79
4.1.2 Transistor Aging Effects.......................... 80
4.2 The Related Works About Reliable Analysis and Design 81
4.3 Reliability-Aware Consideration..................... 82
4.3.1 Degradation Model of Flexible TFTs ............... 82
4.3.2 Circuit Sizing With Degradation Model ............ 83
4.4 Experimental Results ............................... 84
4.4.1 Accuracy Verification............................. 86
4.4.2 Optimization Results of the OPA Circuit .......... 90
4.4.3 Optimization Results of the DAC Circuit........... 92
4.4.4 Optimization Results of the LED Driver ........... 93
4.5 Summary ............................................ 95
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works ................. 98
Reference ............................................. 101
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指導教授 劉建男(Chien-Nan Jimmy Liu) 審核日期 2014-10-17
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