博碩士論文 102622004 詳細資訊

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姓名 許芳鳴(Fang-Ming Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 以地電阻影像法探討地滑敏感區電阻率構造與環境因子之關係
(Use Electrical Resistivity Imaging(ERI) Method to Study the Relationship between Resistivity Structure and Environmental Factors on a Potential Landside Body)
★ 利用RTL (Region-Time-Length) 演算法 探討921 集集大地震之前兆現象★ 集集餘震b值與碎形維度分析
★ 應用太空大地測量法探討台南地區之地表變形★ 電容耦合地電阻探測系統應用於地下管線與坑道之研究
★ 以交叉對比分析地震的時空分佈行態★ 利用PI方法研究地震前兆活動
★ 臺灣深部電性構造及其板塊構造意義★ 利用Pattern Informatics研究1999年台灣集集與2008年中國汶川地震之前兆現象
★ 模擬地震前兆行為之數值模型★ 地電法於地下掩埋物調查之研究
★ 利用經驗模態分解法(EMD)探討潮汐效應對地震活動的影響★ 利用LURR方法探討臺灣1994年後大地震之前兆現象
★ 利用遠距沙堆模型探討特徵地震之準週期性★ 台灣天然電磁場觀測研究
★ 一維滑塊模型事件叢集特性分析與復發時間統計★ TCDP井下地震儀之微地震紀錄的特性
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摘要(中) 山崩事件易受天氣條件(如:豪雨、颱風)觸發,若能在地滑敏感區進行監測,比較降雨前後敏感區的構造改變,便能對山坡地的整治與災害預防提供有益的資訊。



摘要(英) Because Electrical Resistivity Tomography(ERT) is fast, cheap and accuracy is used to resource exploration and engineering survey, especially disaster prevention. Electrical resistivity survey was carried out continuously for three months to monitor a hazardous hillslope at Jieshou Junior High School in Taoyuan.

The monitor site is located at hillslope between the school building and playground. The length of survey line is 67.5 m. The electrode array is alternate array, which is different from traditional array like Wenner array or Dipole-Dipole array. The instrument will measure automatically every day. The study analyzed the data from 2014 June 5 to 2014 September 29. Except ERT profiles of different dates, also calculates the rate of change of resistivity between base model and monitor data, to observe the weak change. Then refer the data from Central Weather Bureau, to discuss the relation between the observed values, rainfall and air temperature. We can observe after heavy rainfall, observed value would decrease, but no obvious change as air temperature change. Through the comparison of inverted sections and rate of change of different time, and comparison of inverted section of real data and synthetic model, we can know the route of infiltration at horizontal coordinate 35 to 45 meters.

關鍵字(中) ★ 地電阻法
★ 直流電阻法
★ 地滑敏感區
關鍵字(英) ★ Direct Current Resistivity Method
★ Geoelectric Resistivity Method
論文目次 摘要 i

英文摘要 ii

誌謝 iii

目錄 iv

圖目錄 vi

表目錄 ix

第一章 緒論 1

1-1 研究動機與目的 1

1-2 本文內容 3

第二章 資料蒐集與研究方法 4

2-1 直流電阻法簡介 4

2-2 逆推方法簡介 5

2-3 監測儀器簡介 6

2-4 施測方式 7

2-5 研究場址概述 7

第三章 資料處理與分析 21

3-1 資料處理流程 21

3-2 V/I值計算與資料篩選 22

3-3 背景電阻率剖面解釋 23

3-4 監測結果展示 24

第四章 降雨事件後的電阻率變化與討論 33

4-1 雨水入滲過程之順推模擬 33

4-2 觀測值之時間序列與環境因子之相關性 37

4-3 雨水入滲路徑探討 38

第五章 結論 66

參考文獻 68

附錄A 擬似剖面與逆推剖面 71

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指導教授 陳建志(Chien-Chih Chen) 審核日期 2015-8-26
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