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姓名 曾建儒(Jian-Ru.Zeng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 場鏡於光學元件檢測之必要性評估
(The Requirement Evaluation of Field Lens in Optical Testing)
★ 中小型光學鏡組之高密度全場波前量測★ 使用液晶空間光線調制器之相移式光柵-十字狹縫量測裝置
★ 全像場同時取像像差量測★ 單頻位移與傾角量測干涉儀
★ 廣角物鏡之相對照度探討及其設計應用★ 新型零後焦長太陽能集光器的設計
★ 相移式干涉儀之系統校正及量測軟體的撰寫★ 非球面干涉儀之離軸對心校正
★ 高數值孔徑顯微物鏡設計★ Double Zernike Polynomial 校準光學系統
★ 薄型化光展量疊加太陽能集光器★ A Similarity-Guided Spots Sorting Method to Increase the Dynamic Range of a Shack Hartmann Sensor
★ 雷射微型投影機波前量測技術★ 旋轉掃描式非球面干涉儀之演算法開發及應用
★ 校準低敏型Shack-Hartmann波前感測器★ 利用Slanted-edge方法以及相位回復演算法量測光學系統的成像像差
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摘要(中) 光學系統中若包含多個光欄(Stop),由於光線經過元件邊緣時會產生繞射作用,以至於出瞳之波前無法完美的成像於CCD感測器。當帶有像差的波前因為孔徑繞射影響,會在持續傳播時改變其波前形貌。因此在量測光學元件時,通常會根據不同系統設計場鏡(Field Lens)置於系統內,以利於待測波前成像於CCD感測器。然而,出瞳的待測波前必須經過Field Lens成像,但Field Lens並非完美的光學元件,因此會造成額外的誤差與不確定性引入系統中。
為了探討Field Lens在光學元件檢測上的必要性,同時能夠評估邊緣繞射效應對於波前像差量測的不確定性。因此我們建立一個具有波前像差的傳遞系統,由波動光學為基礎,探討波前相位受到系統光欄而產生的邊緣繞射效應。在理論探討上,我們由傅氏數值分析光學系統的相位函數,也就是系統的成像像差,接著在傳遞波前時,利用角頻譜傳遞法(ASP),使系統的相位函數傳遞至觀測面,並計算其波前相位變化量,最後為了深入探討幾何光學(Ray optics)與波動光學(Wave Optic)兩者在像差上的差異性,將會模擬數個不同F-number條件下的透鏡並將模擬結果與光線追跡(Finite Raytracing)做比較。本論文中,我們利用數值分析一個不需要Field Lens的波前感測器,並探討系統光欄對於波前相位的影響,模擬不同規格的透鏡並將結果與商用Code V軟體做比較,並驗證模擬系統的準確度。
摘要(英) If the optical system includes a plurality of apertures, and the test surface cannot be perfect imaging on the detector. Therefore, the aberration wave front will continue propagating and changing its wave front shape by aperture diffraction effect at the same time. In order to measure the test surface quality, there is always a Field Lens placed in front of the sensor to relay the test beam. The Field Lens is not perfect, thus additional aberrations and measurement uncertainties will be introduce into the system.
To investigate the necessity for the Field Lens to the measurement system, and the system is able to quantify the effect of diffraction measurement uncertainty. We construct a wave front propagation model affected by aperture diffraction. By the wave optics theory to explore phase edge diffraction effect by the system stop. The beginning of the analysis of phase function of optical system in the field of Fourier optics and this phase function is also calling the imaging aberrations. Firstly, the experiment is by mean of the angular spectrum method so that the measured transfer function to the observation plane can be obtain, and calculates the phase variation of the diffraction wave front. To quantify difference between the ray optics and wave optics predicted aberrations. We simulated the lenses with different f-number then compare the results with finite raytracing method.
In this thesis, we simulate a Shack Hartmann wave front sensor that is free of Field Lens and investigate the impact of edge diffraction error. Simulated the number of lenses, compared the results with commercial Code V software, and analyzed the simulator performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 場鏡
★ 繞射
★ 元件檢測
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 x
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究動機 3
二、 原理 4
2-1 純量繞射理論 4
2-1-1 空間中的電磁波 4
2-1-2 Huygens-Fresnel Principle 5
2-1-3 Fresnel-Kirchhoff Diffraction Formula 6
2-2 波前傳遞理論 7
2-2-1 角頻譜傳播法(ASP) 8
2-2-2 高斯光束傳播法(BSP) 10
2-3 波前檢測原理 11
2-3-1 波前感測器 11
2-3-2 波前像差 12
2-3-3 澤尼克多項式 13
2-4 透鏡函數 16
2-4-1 薄透鏡模擬 16
2-4-2 像差相位函數 18
三、 實驗模擬 21
3-1 繞射模擬 21
3-1-1 Field Lens模擬 21
3-1-2 孔徑像差模擬 27
3-2 系統模擬驗證 29
3-2-1 薄透鏡模擬 30
3-2-2 厚透鏡傳遞模擬 33
3-2-3 取樣分析 37
3-2-4 繞射邊界效應 38
3-3 F/#參數模擬 41
3-3-1 幾何區域模擬 42
3-3-2 近場區域模擬 47
3-3-3 遠場區域模擬 52
3-3-4 模擬結果分析 57
3-3-5 場透鏡需求評估 62
四、 進階應用與模擬 64
4-1 波前感測器模擬 64
4-2 繞射光點模擬 67
五、 結論與未來展望 70
5-1 實驗結論 70
5-2 未來展望 71
參考文獻 72
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指導教授 梁肇文(Chao-Wen Liang) 審核日期 2016-8-23
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