博碩士論文 109450030 詳細資訊

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姓名 陶維(Wei Tao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 第三方物流業A公司的客戶營運流程深化
(A Business Plan to Deepen Customer Operations Process Engagement for Third Party Logistics Service Provider A)
★ 「達因國際」工業自動化的預警雲端服務平台商業模式規劃★ 企業流程再造的應用- 一個中國紡織公司在變局下的對策
★ 政府服務便利商店化的可行性分析★ 透過供應鏈管理改善工業電子產品交貨期之研究
★ 豐田產業車輛在中國市場的競爭策略分析★ 中國氣動元件代理商之競爭策略分析---以A公司為例
★ 定期貨櫃航商之發展策略分析── 以某台灣航商在大陸市場之發展為例★ 企業採購電子化之探討-以某電子企業資訊產品採購為例
★ 台灣電子業ODM廠商之碳足跡因應方案─以Z公司為例★ 採購程序與組織變革下的拒抗行為研究─以A公司為例
★ 在不確定環境下的連鎖餐飲品牌之人力資源策略─以J公司為例★ 冷凍空調產業運用流程再造概念於縮短開發時程之研究─以A公司為例
★ 智能建物能源管理服務之商業模式探討─以S公司為例★ PCB樣品廠業務人員獎金制度設計之研究─以S公司為例
★ 資訊系統整合廠商的經營模式研究─以A公司為例★ 半導體供應鏈導入精實模式之探討─以A公司導入B公司精實模式為例
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摘要(中) 在過去的二十年中,將物流服務外包給第三方物流服務提供商 (3PL) 一直是一種行業趨勢。 A公司是該領域中提供客戶服務的主要3PL,不僅在運輸和倉儲方面,而且在訂單履行方面,包括揀貨、分揀和理貨。
本研究調查了 A 公司的其中一核心客戶所面臨的問題,並試圖為客戶提供解決方案,同時加強與客戶的互動。鑑於其服務客戶多年,從過去的核心盈利客戶,到近幾年的主要虧損客戶。雙方的合作關係是長期的伙伴關係,客戶對第三方物流有一定的依賴。本研究希望通過企業流程再造來深化客戶運營管理,提高運營效率,並將其轉為盈利關係。
摘要(英) Outsourcing of logistics services to third party logistics service providers (3PL) has been an industrial trend during the past two decades. Company A is major 3PL in the field, and has been serving customers, not only in transportations and warehousing, but also in order fulfillment, including picking, sorting and tallying.
This study looks into the problems faced by one of the key customer of company A, and attempts to provide a solution to the customer, while strengthening its engagement with the customer. In view of the fact that it has served the customer for many years, it has turned from a core profitable customer in the past, to become a major loss-making customer in recent years. The cooperative relationship between the two parties is a long-term partnership, and the customer has a certain degree of dependence on third-party logistics. This study hopes to deepen customer operation management through enterprise process reengineering to improve operational effectiveness, and turn it back into a profitable relationship.
At this stage, company A is facing some of the problems, namely, inconsistent service scope and operation specifications, as well as insufficient staff and operation efficiency. This studying proposes to use the seven steps of problem solving to define problems, collect and analyze data to form propositions and discussions; By formulating short, medium and long-term strategies, adopt both parties to redefine the service scope and operating specifications that meet the current needs; and then provide value-added services according to each topic segment. Expand revenue and improve efficiency and reduce costs, and improve the process and revenue and expenditure results through a two-pronged approach.
關鍵字(中) ★ 委外物流
★ 流程再造
★ 訂單履行
關鍵字(英) ★ outsourcing logistics
★ process reengineering
★ order fulfillment
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究流程 2
第二章 文獻 3
2.1 委外物流 3
2.2 企業流程再造 5
2.3 財務預測 9
2.4 解決問題的七步驟 9
第三章 背景簡介 13
3.1 何謂物流 13
3.2 產業趨勢 14
第四章 第三方物流公司對A客戶服務的問題和機會 21
4.1 個案公司背景 21
4.2 個案問題探討 24
第五章 改善方案 29
5.1改善方案的構想 29
5.2 改善方向 30
第六章 成果與建議 36
6.1 可行性分析 36
6.2 初步驗證 38
參考文獻 41
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指導教授 范錚強 審核日期 2022-6-29
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