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姓名 張倢(Chieh Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 西北太平洋海氣熱力環境年代際變化與颱風強度之關係
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摘要(中) 在氣候變遷之下,西北太平洋地區有颱風數量減少,強颱比例增加的趨勢。為了瞭解氣候變遷下海洋與大氣環境的變化是否對颱風強度發展造成影響,本篇研究比較過去二十年 (1980-1999年) 與現在二十年 (2000-2019年), 6至11月的海洋與大氣環境變化,並探討氣候變遷下海洋與大氣環境的變化與颱風強度變化之間的關係。
現今氣候條件下,上層海洋環境與過去相比海表面溫度平均上升0.42℃,海水混合層深度平均加深2.7公尺,海洋熱含量增加了9.89 kJ/〖cm〗^2。結果顯示氣候變遷下,上層海洋的熱力環境將更有利於颱風強度發展。而在大氣環境方面,與過去相比,太平洋副熱帶高壓增強且向西延伸,季風槽也有西退的趨勢,垂直風切平均增加0.07 m/s,低層大氣平均比濕平均增加0.09 g/kg。結果顯示氣候變遷下,大氣環境的變化對強度發展有正貢獻也有負貢獻,太平洋副高、季風槽與垂直風切的變化將不利於颱風的生成。
摘要(英) Under climate change, the number of typhoons in the Northwest Pacific region will decrease and the proportion of strong typhoons will increase. In order to understand whether changes in the ocean and atmospheric environment under climate change affect the development of typhoon intensity. This study compares the changes in the ocean and atmospheric environment from June to November in the past two decades (1980-1999) and the current twenty years (2000-2019), and discusses the relationship between changes in the ocean and atmospheric environment and the typhoon intensity.
Compared with the past, the sea surface temperature has increased by an average of 0.42°C, the depth of the ocean mixed layer has deepened by an average of 2.7 meters, and the ocean heat content (OHC) has increased by 9.89 kJ/cm2. The results show that under climate change, the thermal environment of the upper ocean will be more conducive to the development of typhoon intensity. In terms of atmospheric environment, the Pacific subtropical high strengthened and extended westward, and the monsoon trough also tended to retreat westward compared with the past. The average vertical wind shear increased by 0.07 m/s, and the average specific humidity in the lower atmosphere increased by 0.09 g/kg. Under climate change, atmospheric environment has both positive and negative contributions to the development of typhoon intensity, and changes in the Pacific subtropical high, monsoon trough, and vertical wind shear will be unfavorable for the formation of typhoons.
Using the observed maximum wind speed of typhoon and potential intensity to analyze the relationship between ocean and atmospheric environment and typhoon intensity. The results show that compared with the atmospheric environment, the ocean environment has a more direct relationship with typhoon intensity. Changes in the ocean environment are more related to changes in typhoon intensity. Compared with sea surface temperature, OHC has a higher relationship with typhoon intensity. Moreover, the correlation between OHC and stronger typhoon is even more higher than that of week typhoon. In conclusion, among all variables, OHC has highest correlation with typhoon intensity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 颱風
★ 氣候變遷
★ 海洋熱含量
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言與文獻回顧 1
1-2 研究動機 2
第二章 資料來源與研究方法 4
2-1 資料來源 4
2-1-1 JTWC Best Track Data 4
2-1-2 ERA5 4
2-1-3 NCEP GODAS 4
2-2 研究方法 5
2-2-1 研究之時間與空間範圍 5
2-2-2 颱風強度分級 5
2-2-3 颱風潛勢強度 6
2-2-4 海洋熱含量 7
第三章 氣候變遷下颱風數量與強度之變化 8
3-1 颱風數量 8
3-1-1 不同月份之颱風個案數量統計 8
3-1-2 不同強度之颱風個案數量統計 8
3-2 颱風路徑分布頻率 10
第四章 氣候變遷下大尺度海洋與大氣環境之變化 11
4-1 海洋環境變化 11
4-1-1 海表面溫度 11
4-1-2 海洋混合層深度 12
4-1-3 海洋熱含量 13
4-2 大氣環境變化 14
4-2-1 太平洋副熱帶高壓與季風槽 14
4-2-2 垂直風切 16
4-2-3 低層水氣 17
第五章 海洋及大氣環境的改變與颱風強度之關係 19
5-1 颱風潛勢強度與環境變化的關係 19
5-1-1 颱風潛勢強度在氣候變遷下的變化 19
5-1-2 颱風潛勢強度與垂直風切變化 20
5-1-3 颱風潛勢強度與低層水氣變化 21
5-1-4 颱風潛勢強度與海表面溫度變化 22
5-1-5 颱風潛勢強度與海洋熱含量變化 23
5-2 颱風潛勢強度與颱風強度的關係 24
5-3 颱風強度與環境變化之關係 25
5-3-1 颱風強度與大氣環境的關係 25
5-3-2 颱風強度與海洋環境的關係 26
第六章 結論與未來展望 28
6-1 結論 28
6-2 未來展望 30
參考文獻 31
附表 34
附圖 36
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指導教授 林沛練(Pay-Liam Lin) 審核日期 2023-2-2
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