本論文主要是探討兩種單極天線(Monopole Antenna)。第一種為彎曲天線(Meander Antenna),研究重點為天線在FR4基板的密度大小、天線的長度、還有彎曲數的多寡對天線在共振頻率還有輻射效率方面的影響。 第二種為碎形天線(Fractal Antenna),研究重點在天線分枝數的多寡、分支處對饋入點的遠近對天線在共振頻率和輻射效率的影響。 In the thesis, two types of monopole antennas are studied: meander antennas and fractal antennas. The focus of the studies is on the effect of the antenna configuration on the resonant frequency, radiation efficiency, and bandwidth. A series of simulations with regard to the variation of many geometric parameters are conducted using IE3D computer software. Typical cases of the antennas are implemented using FR4 printed-circuit boards. The return loss and radiation patterns of the antennas are also measured.