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    Showing items 1-25 of 4262. (171 Page(s) Totally)
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    2024-09-25 氮化鋁鎵 /氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體的 p-GaN閘極工程設計和實現;Gate Engineering in E-Mode p-GaN Gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Sriramadasu, Krishna Sai; Sriramadasu, Krishna Sai
    2024-09-20 針對STT-MRAM記憶體內運算架構在電路老化和溫度變化的情況之下達成延長使用壽命的目標;Empowering Longevity: A Resilient STT-MRAM Computing-In-Memory Architecture Tackling Circuit Aging and Temperature Variations 林宜霆; Lin, Yi-Ting
    2024-08-22 P-型氮化鎵閘極連接至源極之加強型氮化鎵 電晶體開發;E-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with p-type GaN gate connected to source 曾顗澄; Tseng, Yi-Cheng
    2024-08-22 在厚緩衝層矽基板上研發不同閘汲間距的1200 V加強型氮化鎵電晶體;Development of 1200 V E-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si substrate with thick buffer layer 王怡雯; Wang, Yi-Wen
    2024-08-21 基於動態隨機存取記憶體之近端與內存運算記憶體測試;Testing of DRAMs for Near and In-Memory Computing 張晉維; Zhang, Jin-Wei
    2024-08-21 應用於脈動陣列深度身經網路加速器之自 我測試與修復技術;Built-In Self-Test and Repair Techniques for Systolic Array-Based AI Accelerators 周士淳; Chou, Shih-Chun
    2024-08-20 1200 V 碳化矽金氧半場效電晶體及蕭特基二 極體反向恢復高溫特性分析;Reverse Recovery Characteristics of 1200 V SiC MOSFETs and SBDs at High Temperature欣 詹智傑; Chan, Chih-Chieh
    2024-08-20 以粒子群最佳化負載調度策略於家庭耗能之優化;Optimizing Household Energy Consumption with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-Based Load Scheduling Strategy 范德瑞; Elfando, Dery
    2024-08-20 在歐姆接觸區利用石墨烯和圖案蝕刻降低氮化鎵電晶體歐姆接觸電阻;Reduced Ohmic Contact Resistance on AlGaNGaN pHEMTs via Graphene and Recessed Patterns 鍾貞祥; Chung, Chen-Hsiang
    2024-08-19 應用於雷達系統之類表面電漿微型化環形槽孔天線;A Miniaturized Annular Slot Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon for Radar System Applications 郭亞硯; Kuo, Ya-Yen
    2024-08-15 使用100-nm GaAs pHEMT 與 90-nm CMOS 製程之 Q 頻段功率放大器與全通相位偏移器;Q-Band Power Ampli fiers and All-Pass Phase Shifters in 100-nm GaAs pHEMT and 90-nm CMOS Technologies 黃紹傑; Huang, Shao-Jie
    2024-08-15 基於手腕光體積描記訊號於脈波傳導速率和個人化血壓之估測;Estimation of Pulse Wave Velocity and Personalized Blood Pressure based on Wrist Photoplethysmography 何芝儀; Ho, Chih-I
    2024-08-15 適用於合成孔徑雷達之即時都普勒參數估測硬體設計與實作;Real-Time Hardware Design and Implementation of Doppler Parameter Estimation for Synthetic Aperture Radar 陳柏達; Chen, Po-Ta
    2024-08-14 用於混合式波束成形正交分頻多工系統之高維度通道張量估測演算法;Higher-Order Tensor-Based Channel Estimation in Hybrid Beamforming MIMO-OFDM Systems 柯翔展; Ke, Hsiang-Chan
    2024-08-14 使用 90-nm CMOS 與 100-nm GaAs pHEMT 製程之 Q 頻段與 E 頻段功率放大器;Q-band and E-band Power Amplifiers in 90-nm CMOS and 100-nm GaAs pHEMT Technologies 劉鎮潁; Liu, Jen-Ying
    2024-08-14 使用 90-nm CMOS 與 100-nm GaAs pHEMT 製程之 Q 頻段與 E 頻段低雜訊放大器;Q-band and E-band Low-Noise Amplifiers in 90-nm CMOS and 100-nm GaAs pHEMT Technologies 江易紘; Chiang, Yi-Hung
    2024-08-14 使用100-nm GaAs pHEMT 製程之 Q 頻段低雜訊放大器;Q-band Low-Noise Ampli ers in 100-nm GaAs pHEMT Technology 魏健宇; Wei, Chien-Yu
    2024-08-14 應用於第五代和第六代無線通訊之互補式金氧半導體堆疊式與連續 B 類模式功率放大器之研製;Implementations of CMOS Stacked and Continuous Class B Mode Power Amplifiers for 5G and 6G Wireless Communications 翁浩昀; Weng, Hao-Yun
    2024-08-13 SiamCATR:基於孿生網路之具有交叉注意力機制和通道注意力機制特徵融合的高效視覺追蹤神經網路;SiamCATR: An Efficient and Accurate Visual Tracking via Cross-Attention Transformer and Channel-Attention Feature Fusion Network Based on Siamese Network 李俊霖; Lee, Chun-Lin
    2024-08-13 基於SoC的Tiny-YOLOv2 CNN加速器應用於盲人輔助系統;An SoC based CNN Accelerator of Tiny-YOLOv2 for Blind Assistive System 陳俊友; Chen, Chun-Yu
    2024-08-13 應用於 Ku 頻段瓦特級功率放大器模組暨 Ka 頻 段 CMOS 無切換器輻射接收機之研製;Design of a Watt-level Power Amplifier Module for Ku-band and a Switchless Radiometer Receiver in CMOS Process for Ka-band 蘇昱嘉; Su, Yu-Chia
    2024-08-12 三相電網形成反流器之阻抗估算策略與新型諧波電壓抑制之研製;Development and Implementation of Impedance Estimation Strategy and Harmonic Voltage Suppression for Three-phase Grid-Forming Inverters 葉承韋; Yeh, Cheng-Wei
    2024-08-12 基於韌性指標應用於聚落式微電網最佳化調度策略;Optimal Dispatching Strategy for Modular Rundling Microgrid Based on System Resilience Index 李俊緯; Lee, Chun-Wei
    2024-08-12 智慧反射面協助下多使用者多輸入多輸出正交分頻多重存取系統之通道估計;Channel Estimation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multi-user MIMO-OFDMA System 賴品叡; Lai, Pin-Ruei
    2024-08-09 三相T-type整流器於不平衡電網下主動輸出電壓不平衡控制及直流端電壓漣波抑制;DC-Bus Voltage Ripple Suppression and Active Control of Output Voltage Imbalance in Three-Phase T-Type Rectifiers under Unbalanced Grid 陳品儒; Chen, Ping-Ju

    Showing items 1-25 of 4262. (171 Page(s) Totally)
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