數位音訊浮水印(Digital audio watermark)是把著作權或其他資訊嵌入音訊資料中的一種技術,為了維持原音訊的品質,被嵌入的資料在感知上是不能被聽到。本篇論文是利用展頻調變(Spread-spectrum)的方法,將浮水印訊號嵌入到聲音訊號之中,然後為了避免浮水印訊 號因傳輸失真或是訊號處理等過程而被破壞掉,我們加入以線性區塊碼(Linear block code)為基礎的錯誤更正碼技術,減少解出的浮水印所產生的錯誤率,進而增加浮水印訊號的強健性。在實驗裡,我們將會觀察有無錯誤更正碼與α值的大小,對實驗結果的影響,以及經過 MP3 壓縮之後,其有無錯誤修正編碼的差別,實驗結果將說明錯誤更正碼可以有效減少浮水印的錯誤率。 Digital audio watermark is a technique to embed copyright or other information into the audio data. The embedded data is perceptually inaudible to maintain the quality of the host signal. The proposed method in this paper is to embed the watermark into the audio signal by using spread-spectrum modulation. To avoid the watermark being destroyed by the transmission failure or signal processing, we add the error-correction coding technique based on linear block code, so that the pixel error rate of the extracted watermark can be reduced; thus, the robustness of the watermark is enhanced. In the experiment, we will observe the results that influenced by α and the error-correction coding. After the MP3 compression, the results will show how the error-correction coding can reduce the pixel error rate of the watermark pattern.