本論文主要是開發一套有效率的載子濃度計算之模型,此模型是以費米積分為基礎,將任一濃度所對應之費米能量置成表格方式載入到元件模擬中。使用此表格將不再需要任何的數值積分方法,而為了提高查表法的效率,我們使用新變數去輔助元件模擬,將可以大量減少查表的頻率。而我們也將此模型加以改良使我們的金氧半導體之源極、汲極與基板能掺雜到更高等級的濃度,並且,我們也利用我們已開發的模型來探討在二極體和金氧半導體元件在電流的分析,以了解玻茲曼近似積分與費米-德笍克積分的差異。 In this thesis, we develop an efficient model for carrier calculation. This model is based on the Fermi-Dirac integral, and we build a table to implement device simulation for any carrier concentration versus Fermi energy. No numerical integral is needed in the new model. And we use New Variable to raise efficient in Table Method, it can reduce the frequency for table look-up. Moreover, we apply our model to the MOSFET that allows high doping in the source, drain and substrate regions. Furthermore, we use the developed model to discuss the current analytical of PN diode and MOSFET to understand the difference between Fermi-Dirac integral and Boltzmann approximation.