畫面更新率提升轉換技術是將較低畫面更新率的影像提升到更高的畫面更新率。近年畫面更新率提升轉換技術被應用在降低液晶螢幕的動態殘影問題。因為液晶螢幕本身是屬於hold-type 的螢幕,亦即每一張畫面都會停留一個畫面的時間這與傳統的CRT 螢幕而有所不同。由於人眼對於移動物體存在著追蹤的與視覺暫留的特性,因此當移動物體在液晶螢幕上顯示時,動態模糊就會被感覺出來。經由研究發現,將液晶螢幕的畫面更新率由原本的60 赫茲提升到120 赫茲可以有效的解決動態模糊的問題。 在這篇論文中, 我們提出了一個名為適應性對稱動態估測(Adaptive Bilateral Motion Estimation)的方法,以及擴展估測動態物體軌跡的範圍來提高估測的準確性。再來我們使用了次取樣動態估測,來減少因為擴大搜尋範圍所產生的運算量。最後,我們考慮到週圍的動態向量有一致的方向性,所以使用了動態向量平滑處理來減少離群物。經過實驗比較,我們的方法與傳統方法,在平均的PSNR表現上提高了1.21~4.98dB。 Frame rate up conversion (FRUC) is a technique to convert lower frame rate video to higher frame rate. Recently, FRUC is frequently applied to reduce motion blur of liquid crystal display (LCD). Because LCD is a hold-type display, each frame will be displayed and hold in one frame which is different from CRT. Since human eyes have the characteristic to pursuit moving objects with eye-tracking integration smoothly, the artifact, motion blur. will be perceived by human eyes. Frame rate up conversion, which converts the frame rate from 60Hz to 120Hz, is an effective method in motion blur elimination. This paper presents a motion compensated frame rate up conversion algorithm that adopts the adaptive bilateral motion estimation and the expanded range of the motion trajectory to enhance the accuracy of motion estimation. We used the sub-sampled motion estimation to reduce computational complexity from the expanded search range. Finally, a motion vector smoothing method is applied that alleviates outliers under the assumption that neighboring motion vectors are similar in value and direction. In the experiments, the proposed algorithm improves the average PSNR of interpolated frames by up to 1.21-4.98 dB, compared to the conventional algorithm.