本研究是在探討電視台之廣告排程的問題。以傳統的排程問題來探討,它是個分配的問題,並且考慮到特殊的服務需求,有交期、客戶可以要求其廣告要在哪些頻道被播放、每個廣告有服務等級和種類;在電視台的播放頻道,它也會有一些性質存在,有服務的等級(會依據收視率來訂定)和有多少的時間缺口可以被播放。在這個問題裡面,電視台要依據客戶的需求來滿足客戶並且在播放完整張訂單的廣告才會有收入。 在此研究,我們會建立LP model 去解決我們的問題。而這個model我們將會使用AMPL/CPLEX來解決。LP model 將會被分成兩個部份,第一個部份是解決使用預算的問題,另一個則是解決分配的問題。 我們可以透過AMPL/CPLEX來解決數個個案,再經由這些個案的結果證明我們的model是正確的而且有效率的。 The scheduling of advertisement on a television station is a problem to assignment jobs with specific service requirements such as due date, specific service channel, service grade and product category when maximizing the profit. The time slot which can be used to serve customers’ requirement is called advertisement spot on a television station are known in advance when scheduling customers’ jobs. The spots are usually sold by package is considered as completed when the jobs within the package are fulfilled. This study first constructs a LP model under constraints listed above, which is implemented by AMPL/CPLEX. LP model divide into two parts to solve problem. The one part is the problem of budget. Another is the problem of assignment. The following computational analyses are conducted for model validation. (1) Validate the model of budget. (2) Validate the model of assignment by several examples. (3) Evaluation some cases which are generated randomly. In these cases, we could get the optimal solution. In addition, we solve these cases fast.