二十世紀末,國際體制下紛紛建立環保公約及法規,透過國家、非政府組織及企業等力量,推動永續發展之理念。隨著全球化及科技發展趨勢,電子電機產品元件微小化,且與人類生活更加密切,因此導致產品生產週期的減短及廢棄物的快速增加,有鑑於此,歐盟訂立WEEE/RoHS,促使產品朝向低毒性、可回收及省能源之目標前進。 WEEE/RoHS主要規範對象為電子電機產品之生產者,並要求其對產品廢棄物的處理以及危害物質的禁用負起責任,故對綠色供應商的產品設計、製程及管理制度造成相當大的衝擊,因此本研究將針對光通訊產業特性進行研究,以了解WEEE/RoHS對企業綠色管理決策準則的重要性比較。 本研究將欲探討的問題定位於:1.導入建置綠色供應鏈管理系統時遇到的壓力與因應解決方式。2.個案公司面對綠色供應鏈管理機制的導入對於客戶端、企業本身、供應商如何整合因應。3.彙整個案公司專案導入前、中與完成後三階段的工作細項與目的。藉由案例公司導入符合RoHS產品之供應商管理的過程與客戶端綠色伙伴認證結果,來驗證與探討公司內部在進行符合RoHS 指令要求的綠色產品生產相關工作的實務面應用狀況。 End of the 20th century, the international system have created environmental conventions and regulations, through the national, non-governmental organizations and enterprises to promote a rationale of sustainable development. With the trend of globalization and scientific and technological development, micro-electronic components is on the way and much more close to our life, and resulting in low product life time and incense of waste, thereafter the EU set up WEEE / RoHS, to move towards the target of low toxicity products, recyclable and energy savings. WEEE / RoHS put their emphasis on those electronic and electrical machinery products producers, and would those be liable for waste handling and hazardous substances banned, consequently, it is a big blow to the suppliers of green product design, manufacturing and management regime. Our study will proceed researching amid optical communications industry to understand the importance of WEEE / RoHS green enterprise management decision-making criteria. The study will probe the following 3 questions: (1)What’s the pressure and resolution when enterprise builds up Green Partner Management System? (2)How to integrate customers, suppliers and enterprise itself into a Green Partner Supply Chain? (3)The working details and their goals before, during and after the project implementation? By means of the progress of case company installation of RoHS into their supply chain, we could realize what the application of implementation of RoHS is.