供應商選擇問題一直是供應鏈管理上一個非常重要的議題。因此,有許多研究針對供應商的評估與選擇提出各種的方法論。然而,這些方法論並沒將供應商的表現是唯一個隨時間變動的系統。另外,在決策環境中的各種不確定性,也沒在現有的方法論中獲得完整的討論,導致決策者無法信賴由這些方法論所獲得的解,而且決策者無法經由以往的經驗取得學習效果。本研究提出了一個模糊決策支援模式來解決上述的問題。在本模式中,存在於數學規劃之目標式、限制式中的不確定因素都被同時考慮。本研究中供應商的評價是經由一動態的模式考量,也就是供應商過去的表現會影響其未來的評量。此外,本模式中採用模糊理論在管理上能夠有效達成供應鏈中協同計畫之目標。本模式同時還利用供應商效率變動分群,決策者經由這項資訊能夠針對解進行下一步的改善,以及提供下一步分析進行的方向。本模式可應用於多產品、多供應商之環境。 Vendor selection problems have long been a critical issue in achieving a successful supply chain management. Numerous methodologies have been proposed for efficient evaluation and selection of vendors. However, these methodologies fail to treat performances as a time-varying process. Moreover, the fuzziness of decision-making has not been considered in a comprehensive way. As such, the solutions provided likely are unreliable, and the possibilities for decision makers to learn over time will be eliminated. This article presents a fuzzy-based decision support model to fill the gap. In the proposed model, the fuzziness within the objective function matrix and the right-hand-side of constraints are both considered. The dynamics of performance variations are incorporated in such a way that vendor’s current performance has a lasting effect on its future performance evaluation. The adoption of fuzzy theory has far-reaching managerial implications in achieving successful collaborative planning across a supply chain. The model also features “vendor grouping” analysis which will shed light on the constitutions of the obtained solutions. The proposed decision support model is capable of accurately assessing vendors’ performance profiles, in a general multi-items, multi-vendors scenario.