貨櫃化運輸是目前國際貿易最主要的運輸方式,隨著進出口交易量的增加,每艘船的貨櫃可載量皆趨近於滿載。為了應付更多的進出口交易,如何能使各港口有效率的運作,例如貨櫃卸載作業、貨櫃運送或是貨櫃裝載作業等有效率且快速的被執行,進而增加港口船舶週轉率是一項重要的課題。 一套高效率的自動化物料搬運系統,除了可以節省人工作業成本外,更可以有效的提高系統效率,自動化物料搬運系統又以AGV系統為最常見的自動化搬運設備。在過去,將AGV應用於製造系統中已有廣泛的探討,包括不同的派車法則、車輛數評估、路徑規劃等,而將AGV應用於港口貨櫃搬運作業的討論較少,僅有部份學者探討有關單載量AGV的應用,然而在實務上AGV因貨櫃尺寸大小的不同,可能會是單載量或是多載量。 因此,本研究在港口貨櫃搬運作業自動化的環境下,發展出不同的第一載取派車法則與第二載取派車法則,期望以此派車法則並經由模擬實驗求出可最小化AGV服務一艘船的時間,使得船舶停靠在港口的時間變短,因而提高港口船隻週轉率。 本研究所發展出的法則主要可分為下列這兩部份: 1.第一載取派車法則 指當AGV狀態為空車且要執行載取貨櫃的動作時,其所選擇要去哪一台Quay Crane進行載取的法則。 2.第二載取派車法則 指的是當AGV載運第一個20呎貨櫃後,為使AGV能達到滿載,當Quay Crane發出需要AGV前往載運的宣告中有20呎貨櫃時,其所選擇要去哪一Quay Crane作業區載取的法則。 本研究在不同貨櫃比例與AGV台數搭配下,針對這兩部份法則互相搭配,並利用模擬程式進行模擬,進而驗證出哪些法則組合的績效較好。 The research of this thesis focus on multiple-load AGV dispatching rules on container terminal. Over the past years, the international trade amount of containers have increased year by year which leaded to enhance efficiency and the turnover rate at seaport . Our purpose is to minimize the total time that AGVs service a ship. AGVs are means for horizontal transport of containers between Quay Crane operation area and Stacking Crane operation area. In this thesis, the proposed control strategy divides the multiple-load AGV control dispatching problem into two, the first pick-up dispatching rules and second pick-up dispatching rules. The first pick-up dispatching rules determines AGV should go to which Quay Crane for loading container when it is empty. The second pick-up dispatching rules then determines which Quay Crane that should to service after AGV had loaded a 20ft container. Finally, we use simulation programming (Arena 10.0) to analyze the performance such as AGV total service time, Quay Crane average waiting time, AGV average waiting time and difference of different AGV dispatching rules.