現今充滿競爭的社會,如何提供一個令顧客滿意的服務,將是企業生存的一項重要課題,不論是提供充足的存量,亦或是提供樣品齊全的商品等,均為提昇企業競爭力的方法。在符合現實的情況下,如何滿足消費者一次購足的慾望訂定適當的訂購量,使存貨不至於太多也不至於太少。 因此,本研究的目的在探討單期模式下,以零售商的角度對具替代效果之耗損性商品進行「零售價」及「訂購量」制定的決策,達到零售商最大利潤的目標。不同於一般的定價與訂購模型,本研究給定固定服務水準,並探討多品項間的訂購問題、協商定價問題以及耗損率的差異,以更符合實際情況。 在模式的求解中,以利潤極大化做為零售商的標準考量,並以數值範例及敏感度分析作為輔助,了解在參數變動下,對最佳定價及訂購量的影響程度,以提供決策者有更精準的判斷。 Customer service is a key element of competitive strategy. Today, competition among the retailers in market to become a leader is intense. In this paper, I not only supply sufficiently but also provide a variety of products to satisfy customer. To fit in real life, retailers should set optimal quantities or else they would increase inventory cost. I study a single period multiproduct inventory problem with substitution and deterioration. And develop a probabilistic demand model for items and a methodology for selecting item inventory level and price so as to maximize the retailer’s expected profit, subject to given service level constrains. Finally, numerical studies are conducted to show the strategies about pricing and ordering impact of parameters’ variety.