在現今競爭激烈的市場中,如何吸引顧客前來購買商品,賺取最大利潤,成為零售商最關心的議題;在考量自身成本下,以較低之利潤,訂定較低價格吸引顧客外,較多的存貨也能吸引顧客上門。在確定需求下,探討單一產品經由二個互為競爭的零售商販售,目的在於探討在此情況下,零售商的商品訂定售價及補貨週期時間。 本研究模型建構的方法在於零售商市場需求與存貨及價格相關,同時考慮零售商為價格競爭的情況。討論當成本項目及需求相關係數增加時對利潤、售價、訂購週期的影響。零售商應確實掌握市場需求,訂定最適售價及補貨訂購時間,以能獲得最佳利潤。 In this compete intense market, how attracts the customer to come to purchase the product, make maximize profit, becomes the important issue for every retailers. We discusses the single product sold though two competing retailers s, the demand effects by sell price and inventory level, furthermore, retailer competes in sell price. The objective of this research is known how the sell price and the order interval set under competing market. The demand function of this research effects by sell price and inventory level. Retailers competing in sell price. Do numerical studies know how the cost and the demand correlation coefficient influences profit, selling price, order interval. The retailer should grasp the market demand, decides the suitable selling price and order interval to obtain the optimal profit.