本研究之目的在建立一個模型來描述對於接單生產環境之下,針對一個物料清單(BOM)裡的半成品和原物料作生產策略的決策。對最終產品的物料清單,將其中的半成品或原物料以分割線分為庫存生產(MTS )或訂單生產(MTO)。 在本文中,訂單需求發生在最終產品,且為一隨機過程。對訂單生產(MTO)而言,服務效率受限於產能限制,且產能與服務時間符合M/G/1 等候線。對庫存生產而言,半成品需服從連續盤存制之庫存策略(Q, r),且所有被規劃為庫存生產式之半成品均不在廠內生產,全部採外購制,且再補貨的重置時間為隨機的。我們利用Light Traffic Heuristic來考慮生產與存貨之間的關聯性,並依以上決策考量因素來對物料清單物料清單裡的半成品和原物料作生產策略的決策。 This paper presents a model to determine the planning strategies for the BOM items in the joint production-inventory Systems. The final product demand follows a stochastic process. The purpose is to determine whether the items in a Bill of material should be produced under make-to-order (MTO) or make-to-stock (MTS) strategy. For MTO items, the service facility was restricted by the limited capacity, and it’s approximated as a FIFO M/G/1 queue. For MTS items, all items are produced in the external facility, and the replenishment lead-time is stochastic. And an inventory (Q, r) policy is used in MTS production system. The demand of finished item follows a stochastic process. We try to use the light traffic heuristic to consider the interaction of queuing for service and inventory control. In this study, we consider the above decision problem as determine a partition line in a bill of material (BOM) of the end product.