本研究主要考慮單一週期下單一供應商與單一零售商使用買賣契約進行交易,不同的買賣契約個別規定了定價與訂購決策的主導權,在這樣的通路結構下討論單一產品最佳定價策略與訂購策略使得通路利潤最大化。在需求方面,首先我們將價格的因素考慮進去,設定一個受價格影響的線性模型,並將現實生活不確定因素加入隨機因子,並在此需求模式下設定不同契約策略之供應商與零售商的利潤模式進行分析。 本文之目的在於分析當配銷系統採用不同契約策略決策之優劣比較,並且檢視配銷系統中因決策主導權不同所產生之價值在供應商與零售商之間的價值分配,並且在相同條件下檢視四種策略之表現。我們利用數值分析了解模型可能發生的情形,並透過敏感度分析了解在特定參數變動下對四種策略之影響或影響程度。 We consider a contract-based manufacture-and-retail supply chain in a single period, the four contracts-inventory sourcing, VMI , consignment and consignment with VMI, have the different right in ordering and pricing, we discuss the optimal ordering and pricing strategy to maximize the total channel profit. We consider the price factor and the uncertain factor in the demand, so we set a price-dependent linear demand model and add the uncertain factor. We will set and analyze the supplier profit and retailer profit in different contract strategy. Our objective is to compare with different contract in the distribution system and analyze the profit allocation between supplier and retailer in four contracts used the same data and condition. In the study, data simulation analysis is used to investigate all possible situation, and sensitivity analysis to find out the effect of parameters on each contract strategy.