現今,顧客的喜好和消費型態由於受到產品汰舊、過時的影響隨時在變動,特別是在流行性商品上更為明顯。產品受到趨勢、流行款式、環境,以及科技的快速演進,商品出現過時現象,使得產品在消費者心中的價值隨時間流逝。因此,如何訂定價格對於管理者而言一直是一個很重要也是很困難的環節。本篇論文我們提出了一個受銷售價格影響的保留分配並結合產品過時於架構之中。在此架構中有4個參數:參數A0, 表示產品販售初期受流行創新因素等影響顧客的需求程度,A0值越大消費者易會受流行趨勢影響而提升其需求程度,反之表示產品較不受流行性因素的影響;參數α, 代表產品販售一段時間後,顧客對於產品的需求程度,其值決定於產品本身的特性,當α值越大代表需求程度越高,越傾向是民生用品,反之則越是流行性商品或娛樂性產品;參數d, 代表產品過時的速度快慢,用來影響A0到達至α位置的快慢;參數k,表示銷售通路,影響消費者保留價格分配被影響的速度快慢。我們透過架構可以提升消費者的保留價格,增加利潤。在參數分析中也發現,在不同的產品特性以及衰退環境下,所選擇的價格策略、銷售通路、訂定價格,以及折扣促銷也會有所差異,因此我們也針對了不同情境下的結果,所產生的不同決策做出管理上的解釋,來說明消費者購買行為和市場上的定價策略現象。 There are a lot of available marketing tools to managers, and pricing has been the effective one. Pricing is one of the most important but also most difficult tasks that firms have to make. Nowadays, customers’ preference and purchasing behavior may change over time due to product obsolescence, especially for fashion goods. Obsolescence is related to products which are subject to rapid change in taste, fashion, style, environment, or rapidly evolving technology. As the result, the value of product in customers’ mind gradually drops. In this study, we propose a reservation price distribution which can be altered by the selling price and take into account product obsolescence. We developed three models to show how the prices change under markdown environment, and we try to determine the appropriate pricing strategy to maximize the total expected profit. Furthermore, we find some observations from the sensitivity analysis then illustrate the customers’ purchasing behavior and phenomena in the market. We observe the of the product affect by fashion A0, the product characteristics α, selling channel k and the degree of decay d helps us understand more about the relationship between customers, markets and pricing.