在這不斷要求創新的時代,六標準差(Six Sigma)已成為國內外各大企業所競相學習的手法。在不同的文獻中,也一再提到引進六標準差的成功關鍵因素,以提供想要推動六標準差的企業的一個參考。 但是,我們發現因為文獻中主要是探討推行六標準差企業之成功關鍵因素,對於初次要引進六標準差的組織而言,都還未跨出第一步就討論整體性的成功似乎太早,因此本研究希望藉由探討相關文獻及知名國際公司黑帶教官的意見,所收集而來的14項推行六標準差企業之成功關鍵因素,利用問卷對單一個案公司進行探索性的分析,以萃取出初步參加綠帶訓練的員工,其綠帶改善專案的成功關鍵因素。希望能以分析出來的成功關鍵因素,做為想推行六標準差的組織,一開始派人參加六標準差訓練時的參考,以跨出成功的第一步。 本研究由上述14個成功關鍵因素所建立的70個問項進行個案公司之問卷調查,並利用因素分析、多變量變異數分析、區別分析及Pareto Chart分析,萃取出綠帶改善專案的6個成功關鍵因素:(1)黑帶的輔導與協助。(2)綠帶本身的付出及主管/其他綠帶/小組成員的支持與協助。(3)部主管指示的專案題目有可分析的數據資料。(4)小組成員定期開會。(5)了解並利用六標準差D-M-A-I-C邏輯完成綠帶專案有並獲得公開授證。(6)冠軍、大黑帶、黑帶的定期參與綠帶改善專案。 最後,利用與未通過綠帶訓練的問卷資料加以比對,發現黑帶的輔導更是關鍵中的關鍵,值得要推行六標準差的組織注意,務必要慎選推動的輔導機構及參加訓練的員工。 In the current business environment where innovation is pivotal in sustainable long term growth, the Six-sigma methodology is being embraced by an ever increasing number of business entities as the primary tool to initiate and effect change. There exist in circulation numerous literatures detailing the critical success factors that drive successful Six-sigma implementation in corporate circles. However, the catalyst to corporate-wide acceptance of the Six-sigma methodology, namely successful execution embryonic ‘Green Belt’ projects, remains little a relative unknown in comparison. This paper seeks to present six (6) success factors that facilitate successful ‘Green Belt’ projects, drawn from results of a survey of thirty-three (33) qualified Green Belt holders. These holders have been certified through General Electric’s qualification system. General Electric is the widely-accepted global icon synonymous with Six-sigma. The results from the survey identified those factors driving successful Green Belt projects to be (a) effective mentorship, (b) commitment, (c) projects with quantifiable data, (d) regular communications, (e) systematic approach such as DMAIC, as well as (f) periodic & regular feedback from more experienced ‘Belters’. It has been ascertained, from among the 6 aforesaid drivers, that the over-riding contributor to a successful Green Belt project to be effective mentorship.