我國成衣產業面臨全球化的競爭環境,隨著2005年貿易自由化的來臨,國內成衣產業亟需跳脫區域經濟的限制,結合各國資源與相對優勢發展全球運籌的能力,建立「台灣接單、海外生產」之運籌產銷體系,並善用IT資訊科技,整合國內外生產據點與行銷供應網路來提高顧客之滿意度,並強化與供應端合作關係,發展快速回應市場需求的生產系統架構與供應鏈管理體系。 本研究目的係透過對國內建置ERP系統的成衣製造業,進行產銷協同模式相關探討,以企業流程方法來瞭解產銷協同運籌管理的關鍵性問題,做為企業流程規劃、企業流程再造以及企業電子化之依據。 本研究蒐集國內五家成衣領導品牌大廠之產銷協同與海外佈局運籌模式,引用其中一家自有品牌之OBM行銷公司為研究案例,以企業流程建構方法(ARIS)說明個案公司的「計劃性生產」之產銷協同模式,並分析其導入ERP系統後之成效。 經研究發現企業透過電子化與企業流程再造,將可縮短生產與研發之前置作業時間,提昇快速回應顧客需求的能力,整體製程時間(Cycle time ) 縮短,產銷協同模式更具快速與彈性調整的能力,帶來「生產面」、「銷售需求面」、「配銷面」以及企業整體績效之提昇使企業更具有國際競爭力。 The garment industry in Taiwan encounters the globalization competitive environment. Many garment companies eager to escape the district economic limitation by linking other countries’ resources and strength to develop the global logistic capability. Making a structure adjustments as “Take order in Taiwan, production in oversea” to adapt to the current situation and reduce the operation cost. Information technology is very often to use to improve customer satisfaction on integrated production and marketing network. Enhancing cooperation relationship with supplier to develop quick response market needs by incorporating product and supply chain management system. This research aims to explore the relationship of the production-sales collaborative model by the case study company. Then further to highlight the key issues of the collaborative model by using business process method to develop the business process planning, design and re-engineering and e-business. We collect the information of global logistics’ model of top five garment companies then choose one with OBM to be the case study company. The effect of ERP implementation of the case study company is explored by using ARIS in the planning production and sales management. This paper raises some issues for further research and highlights some implications for management of garment companies with ERP implementation performance.