六標準差品質管理系統由Motorola於1987年開始實施,除了顯著的品質改善外,並且在1988年獲得了國家品質獎,後來的GE更將它發揚光大,在Jack Welch的帶領之下,六標準差手法也為GE帶來了驚人的財務綜效,使得許多的大公司群起效尤,紛紛導入六標準差管理系統於企業之中,希望能夠藉此來降低成本、消除製程中的缺點、更希望能增加營業額、甚至改變公司的文化。國內許多企業也陸續導入六標準差,作為提升全球競爭力的重要工具。 本研究利用外商公司在台子公司的個案,在台子公司的導入策略,依循著母公司的策略,在台子公司配合導入六標準差活動,本研究分為:組織架構、系統?流程、企業文化、專案管理、變革管理等五個構面來探討其推行時所遭遇的問題,及其解決方案,可將管理問題及解決方法供欲導入六標準差的台灣企業做參考,以更有效的方式來導入六標準差,縮短摸索的期間,進而創造企業價值。 Six Sigma methodologies were adopted by Motorola in 80s and subsequently successful by General Electronics. Its goal of Six Sigma performance enabled Motorola, Inc. to be among the first U.S. companies to receive the coveted Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce in 1988. Six Sigma is widely organized as a process improvement methodology it can reduce costs, eliminate defects, increase revenue, drive culture transformation and deploy global business strategies. This research aims to the problems of Six Sigma implementation by the case study company in five composes: organization, system/process, company culture, project management, change management. Then further to highlight the key issues of the implementation and proposed solution to these issues. This paper raises some issues for further research and highlights some implications for Six Sigma implementation performance.