台灣自90年代初期開始有廠商投入光儲存媒體的生產,這些年下來,全球光儲存媒體市場也有了非常大幅的成長。近年來受到全球DVD光碟片市場需求急速成長、CD-R光碟片市場步入成熟期,以及DVD光碟片毛利率仍高的影響,我國CD-R業者無不積極邁入DVD光碟片的生產行列,俾迎合市場需求的新走向。 本研究欲以光碟產業的產業環境、光碟片製造廠的策略布局和相關的貿易政策角度,衡量設備供應商面對光碟產業激烈競爭之下,台灣的設備供應商可以掌握的競爭優勢,並從渾沌的局勢中脫穎而出。同時藉由本分析成果的呈現,探討台灣設備供應商在面對未來新一代產品時,如何能尋求與製造商合作空間,俾使提供廠商建構公司競爭策略之參考。 本研究之具體目的希望能達成下列四點: 1. 了解全球光碟片產業之市場發展歷程與趨勢。 2. 藉由鑽石分析模型來探討台灣是否適合發展光碟設備產業。 3. 產業對於Porter五力分析模式的感受程度,以了解台灣光碟片設備供應商的競爭能力。 4. 經由組織生態理論結合光碟製造商與設備採購的合作,研擬台灣設備供應商未來的發展與建議,以期為業者貢獻發展策略之參考。 根據鑽石模型分析結果,台灣具有各種優勢,適合發展光儲存製造設備產業。供應商需要發展與製造商長期合作之關鍵因素,尋找、創造沒有核心利益衝突的合作模式或是轉化、降低核心利益衝突;另一方面則透過拉高退出門檻以加強雙方長期合作的意願。雙方共同攜手深耕市場,一方面尋求設備產業的蓬勃發展,並進一步開創台灣光碟產業新局。 It has only been a little more than a decade since Taiwanese manufacturers first entered the market of optical storage, beginning with the manufacturing of compact discs (CDs) in the early 1990s to the present day digital versatile discs (DVDs). Today, in most categories, optical discs and disc readers and burners manufactured by Taiwanese companies are ranked first or second in the world market. This thesis reports on a competitive analysis of the technological and market factors affecting the development of Optical disc equipment industry of Taiwan. Specifically, we focus on those factors such as industrial environment of Optical Disc storage, Deployment of Optical Disc manufacturing, and organizational cooperations between manufacturers and suppliers are the focus. The objective of this research is to identify the competitive advantages which the equipment suppliers of Taiwan can grasp. In order to offering suppliers a valuable strategy. Results show Taiwanese suppliers have a strong capability in developing optical disc production equipments. While there is little technological lag comparing with western and Japanese first movers, there are strong evidences that Taiwanese firms can provide complementary capability in all areas with the supply chain to the production firms. It was also found that there could be develop key factors through cooperations base on Organizational Ecology. With the alliance of manufacturer and supplier, it may create a new great era for Taiwnaese firms.