信用風險在評價可轉公司債的過程中扮演非常重要的角色。在本論文中,我們利用Longstaff 和 Schwartz (1995) 提出的信用風險模型來評估可轉換公司債的信用風險。 除此之外,本文還利用Longstaff 和 Schwartz (2001) 提出的最小方差法來處理可轉換公司債本身的複雜特性,並針對公司價值波動性及可轉債所付票息的高低,對於可轉債的存續期間的影響進行研究。 結果顯示,可轉換公司債的存續期間在某些條件下,將隨著所付票息的增加而增加 Credit risk plays a very important role in the valuation of convertible bonds. In this study we use the model that was developed by Longsta_ and Schwartz (1995) to esti- mate the credit risk of convertible bonds. Moreover, the Least-Square-Method (LSM) proposed by Longsta_ and Schwartz (2001) is used to handle the hybrid features of convertible bonds. We also examine the e_ect of volatility on the value of convertible bonds and the duration of convertible bonds for di_erent parameters. The result shows that the value of convertible bonds may increase or decrease as the volatility of the firm's value increases. The price of the convertible bonds is the result of a ombination of the debt part and the option part. Moreover, the duration of the convertible bonds, at low volatility, increases as the coupon rate increases when the other conditions are the same.