本研究針對目前國內近幾年盛行以私募方式來進行籌資將有以下的問題探討,(1)影響金融服務業選擇以私募方式募集資金的影響因素;(2)金融機構利用私募方式取得資金時,造成其私募股權折(溢)價的因素為何。 經過實證結果,獲致以下結論: 增資發行主要受到公司治理結構、盈餘管理、財務結構及資訊不對稱的影響而私募股權折(溢)價程度主要受到公司治理面、外資型投資人、市場佔有率的影響。 In this study, we have the following issues for the private placement activities in the recent years in Taiwan’s financial institutions. The first, what are the key factors to affect the method used in issuing stocks for the financial institutions, and the second, what are the key factors to affect the discount rate or premium rate when financial institutions issue stocks privately. We used the logistic regression model to analyze the key factors to affect the method used in issuing stocks for the financial institutions. For the key factors to affect the discount rate or premium rate, we used OLS regression model and Tobit regression model to evaluate the effect. According to the empirical study in this research, we have the following conclusions. The way of issuing stocks for the financial institutions will be affected by corporate governance structure, earnings management, financial performance and information asymmetry. In the other way, the discount (premium) rate of issuing stocks privately will be affected by corporate governance, foreign investors and market share.