投資型保單就是結合「保險」和「投資」功能的金融商品,以壽險為主軸,結合證券投資和資產管理的三合一保險商品。台灣銀行業面臨許許多多的問題,金融機構太多、業務競爭白熱化、銀行資金浮爛、存放款利差縮小、銀行獲力能力下降、外國銀行的挑戰……,但是危機也是轉機,近幾年來迅速發展的財富管理,就為銀行帶來可觀的手續費收入,尤其92年投資型保單銷售非常成功,較前一年成長十倍,其中銀行通路功不可沒,銀行銷售投資型保單成功的原因如下: 1.確認銀行和保險業的優勢能力,作為長期合作無間的策略聯盟。 2.銀行和保險各自發揮專業,建立順暢的作業流程作為橋樑。 3.銀行有龐大的存款客戶資料庫,容易取得客戶的信任。 4.增加銀行手續費收入,減少銀行存款利息支出。 5.投資型保單提供保本保息,高於定存利率。 6.銀行理財專員熱賣之餘,確實做好風險揭露的動作,並教育客戶風險控管的重要性。 Investment-linked insurance policy is a financial product providing insurance and investment. This innovative product includes functions of a life-insurance policy, securities investment and asset management. Emerging problems in Taiwan banking industry, such as fierce competition, tiny trading spread, earnings and profitability down, aggressive penetration of local market share by foreign banks, create opportunities for wealth management. Hence, more and more local banks focus on their own wealth management sectors. The growing wealth management sector brings banks handsome fee-income and no risk. The 2003 sales account for ten folds that of 2002. The buying spree on sales in the product greatly profits local banks. The sale of insurance policy through banking service channels attributes its success to the following reasons: 1.Long-term strategic alliance between banks and insurance companies create win-win situation. 2.Smooth operation flows through insurance companies to banks. 3.Broad access to banks’client database to find target customers. 4.Increase fee-income and reduce interest expense. 5.Investment-linked insurance policy guarantees principal and interests, which earns more than term-deposits. 6.Emphasizing the importance of risk management by disclosing policy’s risk.