由於近年來利率的持續走低,使得保險業的經營面臨沉重的壓力,但也由於此種壓力的產生,使得保險業者積極開發有別以往傳統壽險的商品,其中以利率變動型商品與投資型保單商品最具代表性,以投資型保單商品對保險業之利潤而言,只是一種賺取仲介與附加費用的工具,唯有業務量持續擴增,對保險業者才具有利基。 本文以富邦人壽保險股份有限公司之「金吉利保本投資連結遞延年金保險乙型」Bonus Target Redemption One Way Note on Asian Stocks之連動式債券為個案研究,經由股價、利率及匯率多因子模型,並以蒙地卡羅模擬法進行理論上的評價過程,透過模擬5萬次下的基礎下,得到該連動式債券之理論價值約為US$734.35,與發行面額US$1,000相比,其溢價發行比率高達36%,平均殖利率為4.08%,其payoff之績效約為-62.12%,並經由上述之模擬結果,本文之研究結論摘要如下: (1) 此股票連結性質之連動式債券具有高溢價發行之比率,有利於國際發行機構,不利於投資人。 (2) 此連動式債券長達10年,若以其隱含殖利率而言,若無法達到提前出場機制,將使其收益率偏低,對投資者不利。 (3) 此連動式債券之報酬比價機制,其取樣之標的股價報酬率在模擬中並無法獲得超額利潤,其Rainbow Perofrmance平均為-62%,表示發行時點的期初股價具相當之重樣性,是決定Rainbow Perofrmance優劣的主因。 (4) 投資人所承擔之匯率風險,具有相當大的不確定性。 本文由該連動式債券之歷史倒流測試結果,其研究結論摘要如下: (1) 在1990/07-1999/07之間以相同條件發行測試,皆能提前達到出場機制,而之後至2004/10所發行者,則大都未達出場機制,顯示此連動式債券的發行時點與出場年度有相當高的關聯性。 (2) 在出場年度方面,1-3年出場之機率約介於60%-65%,而未出場之機率亦高達約30%,表示投資人若投資時,若缺凡完整的資訊作為投資之判斷時,則容易陷入資訊不對稱的訊息中,而誤信在短期之內可擁有極高報酬率的迷思中,甚至造成日後的糾紛。 (3) 在報酬率方面,則隨者出場年度的延後,呈現遞減的情形。 (4) 在連結股票標的的評價方面,8183JT、017670KS、13HK、4452 JT、7751 JT,該五檔股票並非好的連結標的,這與該五檔股票的價位高低有直接的關係,因此投資人如可事先對連結之股票標的做未來的價位走勢判斷,應較能掌握此連動式債券之報酬狀態。 The essay is based on Fubonlife Assurance Co.’s insurance policy which is called VANB5-Bonus Target Redemption One Way Note on Asian Stocks. During the process of research, we adopt the Monte Caro Simulation Method to simulate the theory value of the VANB5. According to the result of simulation, we find that the theory value of the VANB5 is US$734.35 which has very high premium(36%)compared to the face value US$1000, and the average yield is 4.09%. The payoff performance is -62.15% which is far under away the expectation of the return. The research conclusions we have are as follows: (1)The high premium is harmful for investors. (2)The average yield is low when investors hold the VABN5 for 10 years. (3)The payoff performance is -62.15%, which means that the investors can not get the extra premium return. (4)The investors have to take the exchange risk. Besides, according to the result of the history back testing, we have the following conclusions: (1)The timing to lauch the VANB5 is very important to investors. (2)The possibility of the VANB5’s average lifetime between 1-3 years is about 60%-65%, but possibility continuing to hold the VANB5 is about 40%-35%. (3)The longer the lifetime; the lower the return. (4)The linked stocks, the 8183JT、017670KS、13HK、4452 JT、7751 JT,are not good target to link with.