中文摘要: 本研究係以新竹地區之銀行VIP級理財貴賓戶為實證研究樣本,選岀210位具有銀行理財VIP級資格的客戶為主要研究對象,採問卷填寫的方式取得樣本問卷,本文旨在探討銀行理財部門與顧客行為之研究,亦即會與銀行理財部門往來的顧客,除了有閒置資金外,目標客戶群的特質為何?其目的為何?本研究實證結果可提供理財專員、理財顧問,尋找目標客戶群的參考依據。 本論文結論概述如下: 1、 銀行理財客戶分群偏向「保守型」,對於「固定收益」、「每月配息」、「流動性 強」、「短天期」的商品設計是最喜愛的。大部份的客戶到銀行理財的目的是為「獲得比定存利率較高獲利」佔70%,其次是「退休規劃」佔50.7%。 2、 其理財資訊來源,經由「銀行行員介紹」及「書報雜誌」分別佔58%及57.6%。 3、 到銀行理財的動機與準則因素以「理財專員因素」及「銀行營運因素」最重視。 4、 在生活型態方面,客戶群以「生活規律型」及「社交生活型」為主。 5、 人口統計變數方面,「性別」以女性對「影響購買商品因素」、「銀行形象因素」及「市場環境與商品特性因素」有顯著差異。「年收入」以「50萬元以下」重視「銀行營運因素」。「年齡」以「41歲~60歲」重視「影響購買商品因素」。 Abstract This study chooses the 210 VIP costumers of the wealth management of HsinChu area as empirical research sample, we uses the questionnaire survey to discuss the relation of money management department and the behavior of customers.What are the characteristics of the target consumers who contact with the money management department of bank, except that there is idle fund, and what are their purposes? The result of this paper can provide the basis to the staff of money management, money-managing consultant to look for the target customers. 1. According to this studying, I find that most of customers of the wealth management are conservative type. Those customers prefer the financial goods which are designed to have constant payoff, monthly dividends, high liquidity and short term. The major part of those customers’ object which is getting profit that is higher that of fixed deposit is 70%. And the object which is pension is 50.7%. 2. The resource of information about financial management which comes from the bank tellers’ introductions is 58%. And the resource which is books is 57.6%. 3. The most important incentive and reason of joining the wealth-managing project are the quality of money-managing consults factor and the operation of banks factor. 4. In the life style, those customers mostly are regular life style and accomplished life style. 5. In the population estimate variable, gender, it is significant different among the factors which affect the good-buying, the image of banks factor and the market environment and characteristic of goods factor for the females. In another variable, yearly income, those costumers whose yearly income is fifty thousand NT dollars and below emphasize the operation of banks factor. In the age variable, those customers whose ages are from 41 to 60years-old emphasize the factors that affect good-buying.