本論文以一九三○年代經濟大蕭條與二○○八年金融危機兩次世界金融風暴為主體,分析其成因、波及面及因應措施等面向,研討不同時期的兩次金融危機之異同處。藉由兩次金融危機中各項經濟數據的整理與研討,探究出產生金融危機的遠因與近因。 再來就兩次金融危機中重大事件發生及各國主管機構因應措施之研究,發現這些重大事件都是參考病症。重大事件的發生,暴露出全球金融體系的種種危機,各國因應的措施,僅是針對病症的需要給予不同程度的診療。各種世界經濟情勢的變遷,都是金融危機產生的肇因。 最後藉由整理金融危機的歷史與實證研究,將金融危機的成因做一整理與歸納。就金融政策的擬訂及健全金融監理制度、加強金融業務的風險管理、改善整體金融體系之運作提出建議,期能作為我國未來改善金融制度之參考。 This essay will compare the two main financial storms, the Great Depression in the 1930s and the financial crisis in 2008, on their causes, impact and solutions. By researching and analyzing economic related data, the causes - both remote and immediate – will be uncovered. Next, from analyzing the reactions and solutions of each government on critical crisis, we learn that those critical events are relevant symptoms. Critical crisis revealed critical problems of the global financial systems. Each government dealt with the symptoms differently. The changing global economic trend is often the source of the financial crisis. Finally, from analyzing case studies and history of the financial crisis, the causes of financial crisis will be identified. Suggestions on regulating financial policies, building healthy monitoring systems, strengthening risk management, and improving financial system management will be given in the conclusion.