Lazear(1990)以經濟合作發展組織國家為研究對象的實證結果顯示資遣費給付多寡與失業率呈現正相關。吾人認為,相同的勞動政策在不同國家實施可能會造成不同的結果。因此,本研究將以台灣等十一個國家為研究對象,研究方法將沿用Lazear的分析架構與結合Lewis(1954)、Ranis(1967)和Fei(1967)的國家發展理論,並以實證結果來分析失業補償制度與國家發展演變的關係。 本研究實證結果顯示:國家勞動政策的實施與其國情發展程度存在極大的相關性:資遣費制度對低度開發國家失業率不論長短期皆為負向影響;對新興工業化國家的失業率的影響則由短期負向影響轉變成長期的正向影響;而已開發國家所實施的失業保險及失業救助制度則對失業率有著負向影響。此外,就實證結果推論至個體企業長短期人事雇決策分析發現,伴隨著不同的國家發展程度與失業補償制度,亦會改變個體企業的人事雇用決策。 Lazear(1990) using data on OECD countries, the results shows that severance payment positively correlates with unemployment rate. We challenge that the identical labor policy may lead different results in different countries. Hence, this research uses Taiwan’s and other 11 countries’ data as empirical object, and combine Lazear’s analysis method with Lewis(1954),Rains(1967)and Fei(1967)’s develop theory to explore the relation of unemployment compensation system and national development . This study’s empirical results shows: severance payment has negative effect on unemployment rate in low developed countries, whether period is short or long; for new industry countries, severance payment has negative effect on unemployment rate in short-term, but turn to positive effect in long-term; and unemployment insurance system has negative effect on unemployment rate in developed countries. In additional, different national development level and unemployment compensation system could affect personnel policy of individual company.