近幾年來,有愈來愈多的網路作家由部落格崛起,並且在實體書籍市場出書熱賣,使得部落客不僅只經營其部落格,同時成為實體書籍作家,故本文旨在建立一適當之理論模型,探討作家藉由部落格平台,同時跨足實體通路與虛擬通路之決策,並討論部落格平台與廣告商之間的互動。模型設定與比較部分是利用Gary and Shy﹙2003﹚的模型為基本架構,探討市場完全涵蓋下與市場不完全涵蓋下,部落格作家極大化其利潤之決策。在結果方面,我們得到當作家版稅﹙知名度﹚愈高,作家可以訂定愈高的部落格瀏覽費率,但是對廣告商收取的廣告費率則愈低;當實體通路的網路外部性 增加時,作家可以訂定較高的部落格瀏覽費率,但對廣告商收取較低的廣告費率;虛擬通路的網路外部性 與部落格訂閱費率無關。在市場為不完全涵蓋下,則得到迥異於市場完全涵蓋的結論。 Recently, more and more bloggers bloom form blogs, and many of their works such like articles, comics etc. have been published into books. They are not only bloggers but also writers. We assumed the writer who owns a blog, and he has royalty income and earn the fee from blog contents and advertising. This paper provides a theoretical framework that analyzes how the writer to maximize his profit as the market is fully-served and partially-served. As the market is fully-served,the writer will charge higher subscribing blog fee but lower advertising fee. However, as the market is partially-served, we have totally different conclusion.