本文採用1988--2004年行政院主計處「臺灣地區家庭收支調查」, 分析家戶內共居行為在不同分量上之特徵, 檢視這些共居家庭在全體社會所得分配中的所在位置, 是否因地理區域或家庭內各成員所得分布而有不同? 實證結果發現共居行為不易發生在輩分較小且所得能力高之「家庭組成單元」, 隱含年輕的「家庭組成單元」較不願與長輩共居之現象。 家戶平均可支配所得在中部、南部以及東部地區顯著低於北部地區之家戶; 房屋自有與房地租變數對平均可支配所得存在顯著正向關係。 此外本文也針對四口之家估計貧窮門檻, 證實共居行為對多數「家庭組成單元」是有利的; 本文得到之結論也證實, 以家庭為單位分析所得分配會因為忽略共居帶來的效果, 而低估所得不均度。 Using the 1988 to 2004 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES), this thesis examines effects of geographic factors and within-family income concentration on various quantiles of the income distribution among all co-residing families. Our empirical findings show that it is more unlikely for young family members with higher incomes to co-reside with elderly members, and co-residence tends to relieve poor family members in poverty. We also verify the benefits from co-residence due to its increasing-returns-to-scale property by comparing income distributions among co-residing and non co-resing families.