二次大戰以降,新興汽車製造廠不勝枚舉,但到目前為止,唯有韓國Hyundai仍屹立在世上,不論在銷售量、品質及品牌價值上,都有突出的表現,且實力足以和世界列強抗衡。Hyundai於1967年才成立,他是如何以一個後進者的角色,打進競爭激烈的汽車市場?本研究透過文獻回顧、個案研究的方法,蒐集整理相關資料,發現Hyundai的大幅成長是基於中國市場的表現所致,其在中國市場之所以能表現優異,不光只是憑藉生產面的供應鏈管理,且對消費者需求面的品牌經營亦有所用心:有良好的供應鏈管理,得以做出有價格競爭優勢、品質有保障的產品,同時透過完善的服務來維持消費者忠誠度,於是供應鏈管理透過知覺品質,及使用、服務滿意度,達到提升品牌價值的結果。並且Hyundai在供應鏈管理影響到品牌價值的優勢上,符合中國中價位小型車市的消費者需求,於是便造就了Hyundai近來得以憑藉中國市場,進而成長快速的表現。 After WWII, there have been countless new entrants in the auto-making industry. Only Hyundai survives the fierce contest and joins the rank of top whether judged from sales volume, product quality and brand equity. How this is achieved despite its mere existence of 40 years? Based on case study through extensive literature review, it is found that Hyundai’s explosive growth stems from its success in the market of China, which is made possible by outstanding marketing strategy on the demand side as well as its supply chain management during these years. With a well-managed supply chain, the products it makes are able to outsell other brands by lower price and better quality. Besides, brand loyalty is maintained through extensive customer services. The brand equity is thus enhanced as the result of perceived high quality and satisfaction from product use and after-sale services. This set of strategies works particularly well in China where the market demand is strongest for medium-priced small car and contributes enormously to Hyundai’s business success.