近年來交通和通訊科技的發達,使得不同國家可透過外包活動提供附加價值以形成全球的供應鏈,並且可以跨越時空的侷限完成全球化分工。舉例來說,美國醫生會將X光片判讀工作外包給印度的專業醫療人員。因此,境外外包也可以說是全球化的重要象徵之一。 為了解境外外包和垂直分工對於貿易型態改變的影響,我們以Dourbusch,Fischer and Samuleson (1977) 一文為基礎,建立一個兩國兩生產階段的模型,並且同時將境外外包與垂直分工納入模型探討。 With recent improvements in transportation and communication technology, it increasingly entails different countries adding value to global supply chains by offshoring. Furthermore, time and space are no longer restrictions to achieve global specialization. For example, medical professionals in India can help diagnose X-rays results for American doctors. As a result, offshoring is one important symbol of globalization. In order to study the effects of offshoring and vertical specialization on the changes of trade patterns, we modify the Ricardian model of Dourbusch,Fischer and Samuleson (1977) to set up a model with two countries and two stages of production. Also, we consider both offshoring and vertical specialization in the model.