本研究使用CVM方法估計腸病毒疫苗71型價值,透過支付卡詢價法,對中壢與平鎮地區600位目前正就讀幼稚園孩童的父母進行問卷訪問,進而得知受訪者對於腸病毒疫苗的偏好。估計方式使用OLS方法探討民眾對於願付價值的影響因素,並估計願付價值平均值;使用chow’s test 探討問卷設計的不同是否對估計結果產生差異;使用Tobit 模式探討民眾對於不同預防程度願付價值的差距來源;最後,應用願付價值的估計結果推算孩童統計生命價值。 實證結果顯示,在OLS估計下,腸病毒知識、家中6歲以下孩童數、家中最小孩童年齡及感染經驗等變數與願付價值具有顯著負向關係;所得、疾病預防程度及小孩健康程度變數與願付價值具顯著正向關係。根據chow’s test的檢定結果,證明本研究的估計結果並未因問卷的差異而影響估計結果。平均願付價值預測值,若為一劑高預防性疫苗預測值為3448至3515元;一劑低預防性疫苗的預測值則為2231元;若為五劑高預防性疫苗的預測值為1204至1372元;五劑低預防性疫苗願付價值則為973元。願付價值最高的疫苗為一劑高預防性疫苗。 在Tobit模式估計下,所得水準較高、女性、小孩健康程度較差的受訪者,願意支付較高金額購買疫苗,且相較於低預防性疫苗,將願意支付更高價格購買高預防性疫苗;並且研究結果發現民眾對於不同預防程度疫苗的願付價值存在差異。最後,推算孩童統計生命價值的估計值為0.4至1.08百萬美元。 The purpose of this study is to estimate the value of Enterovirus 71 vaccine by contingent valuation method. We interview 600 parents who have the kids studying in kindergarten and live in Chungli and Pingchen areas to figure out their preference about Enterovirus 71. By using the payment card method, we discuss the factors that determine the respondents’ willingness to pay from the ordinary least square estimation. We also use the Chow’s test to check whether different type of questionnaire changes the parameter estimates. Furthermore, the differences of respondents’ WTP between high-prevention vaccine and low-prevention vaccine are discussed. Finally, we calculate the value of statistics life of kid through willingness to pay of vaccine. The empirical result show that Enterovirus knowledge, kids under 6 years of age in the family, the youngest kid’s age and disease experience are negative to WTP; income, disease prevention level and health level are positive to WTP. The result of chow’s test shows that different type of questionnaire won’t change the result. The predicted mean value ranges from 3,448 to 3,515 NT dollars in one high-prevention vaccine; it is about 2,231 NT dollars in one low-prevention vaccine; about 1,204 to 1,372 NT dollars in five-dose high-prevention vaccine; and about 973 NT dollars in five-dose low-prevention vaccine. The empirical result in Tobit model also reveal that respondents who are high income, female, with an unhealthy kid will pay more to buy vaccine, and will pay higher amounts to buy high-prevention vaccine than low-prevention vaccine. Eventually, the predicted VSL is $0.4 to 1.08 million dollars.